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April 2017 Newsletter for Registered Members's Enews
Spring Edition

Highlights of Recently Posted New Resources

Thank you for being part of our community! began in 1997 when a group of Christian Education friends decided to freely share their lesson ideas online with the world. We've grown a lot in 20 years, but we're still free, still sharing, and still run by a group of friends.

We welcome your feedback.

Please consider becoming a Supporting Member. In addition to all the PUBLIC lesson forums you now have access to, for a $30 donation you get access to our special Writing Team Lesson Sets, use of our Search Feature, and the ability to modify your online profile/pic/details. We have no other source of funding but like-minded friends.

New from the Writing Team!

Judges Then, Judges Now
(Jesus Now!)

This special set teaches an overview of the Book of Judges for children (and youth!) through some great videos, games, and drama activities. It doesn't gloss over the book's violence, but rather, looks at what Jesus has to say about enemies and "others" in a way that's kid-appropriate and pertinent to living in today's world. Check it out.

Registered members (like you) can read the Lesson Summaries and Bible Background. Supporting Members can see and print the lesson plans.

Here's a list of the recently completed and coming Revised WT Sets:

Make a "donation of inspiration" right now in these Bible lesson topics:

Your Board of Directors,
Luanne, Carol, Anne, Jaymie, Cathy, Amy, and Heidi

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!