In the parable, how many sons did the man have? none (0) one (1) two (2) three (3) Luke 11: 11 31Which son went away? oldest son youngest son nobody went away they both went away Luke 15: 13 21Before he went away, what did the son ask his father to do? give him a ring and a robe give him his inheritance throw him a party he asked his father to go with him Luke 15: 12 22After the son got his share of his father's property, where did he go? To a faraway country To Jerusalem To Babylon To Bethlehem Luke 15: 13 13What did the son do with his inheritance money? bought himself a farm gave it all to the poor wasted it got married Luke 15: 13 31What happened to make food scarce where the younger son was? There was a shortage of pigs There was a famine The King took all the food for himself the locusts ate all the crops Luke 15 : 14 Luke 15 21After he ran out of money, what job did the younger son take? feeding sheep feeding lions feeding cows feeding pigs Luke 15: 15 41What was the pigs' food? Purina pig chow pods table scraps corn Luke 15: 16 22What was so terrible about a young Jewish man tending pigs? Jews thought pigs were too ugly to touch Jews thought pigs were too gross to talk about Jewish law said pigs were unclean eating them forbidden Jews didn't eat meat Luke 15: ?? 33Why did the son decide to return home? He was homesick and missed his brother. He was starving. He wanted to be there for his father's birthday party. He was tired of feeding the pigs. Luke 15: 17 22What did the son plan to say to his father when he returned home? treat me like one of your servants. treat me like one of your fatted calves. treat me like my older brother. treat me like a child. Luke 15: 19 12When the father saw the son coming home, what did he do? Got on his horse and rode to meet him. Ran to meet him, hugged and kissed him. Called the boy's mother to come and see him. Sent servants into field to find his other son. Luke 15: 20 22Which of these things did the father give the son when he returned home? a clean shirt a gold watch a bright headband a robe Luke 15: 22 42Which of these things did the father give the sone when he returned? a medallion to hang around his neck a ring a scarf a hat Luke 15: 22 22Which of these things did the father give the son when he returned home? shoes money to replace what the son had wasted a gold cross necklace a new money bag Luke 15: 22 12What animal was killed to prepare a feast for the returning son? a pig a fatted calf a kid a turkey Luke 15: 23 22Where was the older son when his brother came home? in the house at his friend's house out in the field in the barn Luke 15: 25 32What was the first clue the older son had that his brother had come home? he heard his father yelling. he heard music and dancing. he saw his father running to meet his brother. he saw his brother when he entered the house. Luke 15: 25 22What did the older brother do when he heard music and dancing? asked a servant what was going on went into the house to find out what was going on asked his father what was going on went to find out what all the noise was about Luke 15: 26 12How did the older son react to the return of his brother? he was happy and wanted to celebrate he was angry and jealous he wasn't interested he jumped for joy Luke 15: 28 22How did the older son react to the celebration feast? he ran to ehlp cook the fatted calf he ran to join the party he refused to go inside he started to dance & sing Luke 15: 28 32What did the father do when he saw that the older son refused to come inside? Shrugged and said, "Too bad." Went outside to talk to him. Told him to come inside or else. Did nothing Luke 15: 28 22What did the older son say he had been doing all while his brother was away? serving and obeying his father spent his own inheritance wisely taking good care of his mother worked very hard in the fields Luke 15: 29 12What animal did the elder son wish he had been given to share with his friends? a pig a lamb a cow a kid Luke 15: 29 43What did the father say ABOUT the older brother? I love your brother the most. I love you the most. You are always with me, and all that I have is yours. I love you and your brother the same. Luke 15: 31 32What did the father say ABOUT the younger brother? Your problems are your own fault. he was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. I love you more than your brother. I love you both the same. Luke 15: 32 22Who told this story? Jesus A Pharisee The older brother The father Luke 15: 11 11To whom was Jesus talking when he told the story? his disciples some scribes and Pharisees the two brothers a crowd that had gathered Luke 15: 2 23What is a parable? a story that teaches something about God a story with a happy ending a story with a surprise ending a story that means nothing Luke 15: 10 13Which person in the story is like God? The older brother The father The servant The younger son 23Jesus told this story to a group of Pharisees. Who in the story was most like the Pharisess? The father the younger brother the older brother the servant 33What book of the Bible tells the story of the Prodigal Son? Matthew Mark Luke John Luke 15: 11 33Is the story of the prodigal son in the Old or the New Testament? Old New Neither Both 21What does prodigal mean? wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift moody easygoing careful, money saver 13