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(WT) Adam & Eve ~ Computer Writing Team

Adam & Eve

Computer Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activity

Awesome Bible Stories CD from Sunday SoftwareStudents will interact with the story of Adam and Eve using Awesome Bible Stories software (Sunday Software) for elementary and younger youth.

Awesome Bible Stories has a fun animation of the story, and a collection of narrated study notes that dig into the concepts and vocabulary of the story.

Within the software they will create an apology for Adam & Eve to God and learn about the "language of apology, asking forgiveness."

The software is interactive, and best used on multiple stations to suit your class size. But due to the nature of the particular story presentation in the software, it could easily be projected on a wall from a laptop as well.

Note: Awesome Bible Stories is now available free-of-charge to the supporting members of Learn more and download the software!


Passage: Genesis 2:4-3:24

Key/Memory Verse: "Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24 (NRSV)

Objectives for the Rotation

See Bible Background.

Objectives for Computer Workshop

  • The children will learn that the story of Adam & Eve is found in the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible.

  • The children will make the connection that "honesty is the best policy" — like Adam & Eve, we cannot run away from God.

  • The children will explore the language of "apology" when they do wrong.


Materials List

  • Awesome Bible Stories (Sunday Software).
  • Chalkboard or Whiteboard or Newsprint (marker for your choice)

Lesson Plan


Welcome your students and then introduce today's story by doing the following . . .

See how much the children know of the story already by having them outline on a whiteboard as much as they can remember.

The software retells the Bible story in a humorous fashion. Thus, if this is the first week of the Rotation, you might read the biblical version as a group from Bibles before going into the software. For younger children, use a storybook.

Give each student a copy of the Adam and Eve worksheet and explain what it is you want them to do when they get in the software.

Dig (Story and Study)

Have students turn on the Awesome Bible Stories software, Adam & Eve section and play the story.

After viewing the story, have the students work through the worksheet you printed — looking at the interactive study notes in the program which you have chosen for them and marked on the worksheet. (There are about 7 notes, and you may wish to pick 4 or 5 depending on your needs).

Depending on the size of your lab and number of students, you may want to work through the study questions together as a group after each listens to them on their own at their computers. Some of these subjects are BIG and you may want to run with them a little more by gathering the entire class at one computer.


On the printed worksheet towards the bottom, students can pick or be assigned one of the following statements to respond to using the "Gabby Talker" activity.

If you have five or more computers, assign each of the following to a different workstation. If you have just a few computers. Have students respond to these questions one at a time, for all to hear, before moving on to the next.

  1. Create an apology that Adam & Eve might have offered to God that day in the garden.
  2. Create an apology to God for your sins. 
  3. What would God say to your request for forgiveness?

Play the Adam and Eve "Apples" study note game: "You Can Run But You Cannot Hide."

Additional Suggestions

Adaptations - Younger Children: Younger children and non-readers will certainly enjoy the Awesome Bible Stories software but will need extra help.

Adaptation - Large Group:  You can show Awesome Bible Stories on a large screen or projected for a large group and "presented" by the teacher who asks kids to help navigate and respond to onscreen content.

Written by
Neil MacQueen
Copyright Inc.

Images in this post are copyright Sunday Software. All rights reserved.
Printed from


Images (2)
  • Awesome Bible Stories Software
  • Amazing-bible-stories-1
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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