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The Armor of God

Bible Skills and Games

Lesson Objectives:

  • Children will be introduced to the BASIC Training concept.
  • Children will understand that the Bible is given to us for training.
  • Children will play the Bible Quiz Game to review Bible knowledge.


  • Armor of God Poster
  • Bibles (one per student)
  • Game show buzzer device OR tennis ball
  • Game Questions Sheet (not included - see Resources, end of lesson)
  • Silly game show host costume
  • Small prizes (a piece of candy or zany bands, etc. from prize box)
  • BIG FAT RUBBERBANDS ( to go on wrist in final activity)
  • Fine point sharpies

Lesson Plan

[Introduce yourself to children as they enter. Using the “Throw & Tell Ball,” spend about 5 minutes “getting to know” the kids to allow time for those who are coming in late.]


"Welcome to today's BIBLE QUIZ SHOW!"

[Speak enthusiastically, as if introducing someone on a TV show.] Thank you all for coming today to BQS, the only Bible Quiz Show going on right here, right now! Today’s game is sponsored by Debby’s Deliriously Delicious Desserts. Drop on by and try a pie!

And now, your fabulous host, Mr. Billy-Bob Bible Boy! (Or Mrs. Bobbie-Jo Bible Belle)[no one shows up.]
Um… Er… Your amazingly talented host, Mr. Billy-Bob Bible Boy! (Or Mrs. Bobbie-Jo Bible Belle) [again, no one shows up.]
Excuse me.. um… [Leave room and quickly don costume. From outside yell, “And now, your host, Mr. Billy-Bob Bible Boy!” Or, “And now, your host, Mrs. Bobbie-Jo Bible Belle!” Run back into room as Billy-Bob or Bobbie-Jo.]

[As show host, ask for volunteers to be contestants. Have the two contestants face each other on either side of the small table. Use buzzer system or explain that after you read the question, the first person to grab the tennis ball gets to answer the question. If the answer is incorrect, the other player may try. Use questions provided and/or make up your own. See Modifications section.]

After each question, change contestants. Allow everyone to participate. After a 10-15 minutes, or when all questions are used, end game.

That was awesome! You all know your Bibles!

[Pass out a prize to each student and move into next section.]

Have a volunteer read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

What does this passage say the Bible is for? (Teaching, rebuking, correcting and training)

Ask: Have you ever been in training? [If no or no answer, ask if they have ever trained their dog or cat to do something.] What is that like? (Allow any answer.) Usually training involves learning how to do or use something new, and learning how to react in certain situations (like a firefighter). You can get training for sports, for a new job, or to join the military.

Now I want you to LOOK at the pieces of armor in Ephesians 6:10-18, and imagine that the person wearing them are IN TRAINING as Paul said to Timothy.  They train us to pay attention to certain things, to do certain things:  What does Ephesisans 6 TRAIN you to expect and do?

Belt of Truth. The Bible trains us in becoming people of truth, knowing the Truth of God, telling the Truth, etc.

Breastplate of Righteousness. The Bible trains us to make good choices, right decisions and be “right living” before God.

Feet Fitted with Peace. The Bible trains us to have God’s peace even when things are not peaceful around us. And the Bible helps us to be peaceful and not fight.

Shield of Faith. The Bible trains us to live by faith, trusting and believing God instead of Satan.

Helmet of Salvation. The Bible trains us to walk in the assurance of our salvation.

Sword of the Spirit. The Bible trains us to use God’s Word effectively to advance the Kingdom of God.

The Bible wants to TRAIN US to be God's Children, and PROTECT US from Evil. That is why it is important to know more and more about it. Our fun game helped us learn new things about the Bible. The more we know what the Bible says, the better we can use our Armor of God.

[Have a volunteer read vs. 12 again.]

This verse reminds us that we are not fighting against each other, but against the spiritual forces of Satan. Even kids have to fight him. Did you know that?  We all fight spiritual battles. Even the Apostle Paul said he struggled with the things he DID NOT want to do!

What some wrong or bad things you might be tempted to do? (not clean my room when mom or dad asks, cheat on a test, steal candy from a store, steal a drink from the café, lie, say mean things, etc.) These are spiritual battles!  And the Bible reminds us how to WIN THEM.

Say: We can't go around wearing real armor, but we can wear REMINDERS. One of my favorite reminders is wearing a Rubberband on my wrist.

Do This:

Give each student one of the BIG FAT RUBBER BANDS.

Stretch it about two-times wide on a BOOK.

Now use your fine point sharpie marker to right down the KEY WORDS from Ephesians 6: truth, righteousness, peace, faith, assurance, Spirit.

When you unstretch the rubberband, the words will shrink!  But you can pull them to remind yourself of what you need to win spiritual battles.

Modifications for Younger Soldiers:
In Bible Quiz Game, use multiple choice answers or “phone a friend” type options if younger children need help.

Younger children may need more help understanding how the Armor “works” and can apply to their lives. It is hard for some of the younger children (who are more concrete) to really understand doing wrong. Use guided conversation to get the point across.

Modifications for Older Soldiers:
In Bible Quiz Game, older children can also look up specific verses. The contestants grab Bibles, look up verse then grab the ball. The first contestant to grab the ball wins the round and can read the verse aloud.

When discussing applying the Armor to our lives, older students can make it more personal, and tell of a specific temptation they have faced or are facing currently, and how the Armor can help them fight the battle.

Take It Home ©2008 Gospel Light
(I know I got the idea for the game from somewhere but I can't find it now. It may have been in a book we have. Sorry! I know I modified it greatly, and basically just used a part of the introduction for some humor. ~Staci)

Resources (added by moderator)

The following link has lots of "Bible Trivia Questions" to help you create a quiz set for this lesson

A lesson by Staci Woodruff from: Jenks Church of Christ

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

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