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Art lesson idea: Passing on the Mantle / Passing on Prayers

Make potholders using a loom and loops

Idea from Kim Trimboli (moved here to consolidate the topic)

Many churches participate in a “prayer shawl” ministry, in which knitters create shawls or blankets. During the time they are creating the shawl, the knitters pray for the person who is receiving the shawl. Shawl recipients may be ill, or in need, or having a baby, or in need of emotional support, and so on. In many prayer shawl groups, knitters pass their unfinished shawls around to each other to work on, so that many different people’s prayers are “knitted in” to each shawl. The important thing is not so much why the person is receiving the shawl, as that it is a symbol of the passing on of faith. Faith in God’s actions, faith in the power of prayer, faith shared in love. In this same way, Elijah passed his mantle on to Elisha as a way of passing on his faith and prayers and relationship with God.

Explain to the class that because knitting a prayer shawl takes a great deal of time, they will be working on prayer potholders. These potholders can be given to a particular recipient, someone the child knows that could use an expression of love, or the potholders could be a present for the church. Before they begin, each child should decide for whom he or she will pray during the project.

Demonstrate the loom and how the loops are placed on it. (The first line or two of actual weaving are the most difficult, and the time when the children are most likely to need help until it is time to remove the work from the loom.)

Once the projects are underway, lead the children in a simple prayer over their work. Every few minutes a basic prayer can be prayed while the children continue working, such as “Dear Lord, I am praying today for ___________ (each child fills in the blank). Help them to know about God’s love.”

As the potholders are completed, invite the children to fill out the gift cards with a simple message such as “This potholder was created for you. Our Sunday School class prayed for you as we worked.”

Adaptations – Younger Children

Preschool children may have a difficult time with the creation of a potholder. Easier weaving projects can be found at most craft stores or online. A plastic canvas bookmark is one possibility.

Adaptations – Older Children

Older children could work on one potholder for a while, then pass their project on to the next person, telling them the name of the person for whom they are praying.


Two craft ideas:

1. Prophet Mantles: Children might associate Elijah's mantle with the cape of a superhero/heroine. It might be helpful to explain how prophets were and were not like superheroes.

Use plastic or vinyl tablecloths or shower curtains from the dollar store. One sheet makes about four mantles. Use acrylic paints and glitter to decorate. Allow to dry. Alternatively, use fabric and fabric paint. Secure at neck with stick-on velcro
Warning: Keep the mantles short to avoid tripping and supervise their use.

In the Revised Common Lectionary, this story appears in early summer, close to both Canadian and American national holidays. We decorated the capes with flames of fire and fireworks, to reflect both the Biblical theme and the national holiday. Prophets were spokespeople for the nation of Israel. They had a clear vision of how Israel could be more faithful to God. They often spoke out against the monarchy in order to bring Israel closer to God.

2. Chariot Kites: Make simple kites by using this foolproof method:
Decorate with flames, horses, chariot wheels, or other elements of the story. Combine with a parish picnic and have a kite-flying contest!

Last edited by Luanne Payne Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!