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10 Quiz Questions About Ruth

originally posted by member Augustana Lutheran



  1. Why did Elimelech take his family from Bethlehem to Moab? [because there was a famine in Bethlehem]
  2. What happened to Elimelech after they got to Bethlehem? He died
  3. What happened to Elimelech’s and Naomi’s two sons? They both died
  4. Naomi’s husband was dead and so were her two sons, was Naomi left all by herself? [no] Who did she have? [her son’s wives] What were their names? [Ruth and Orpah]
  5. Why did Naomi decide to return to Bethlehem? [she heard that the famine was over in Bethlehem and there was again food] **Just a note – The word Bethlehem means “House of Bread” and means that there was always plenty to eat there. That is why it was so unusual for there to be a famine.
  6. Did Orpha and Ruth go along with Naomi back to Bethlehem? [Ruth did but Orpha stayed in Moab]  **During these days in history it was very hard for women who had no husbands or sons to care for them. It was expected that another man in the family would care for them.
  7.  Was Naomi a happy lady? [no] How do we know that? [she didn’t want the people in Bethlehem calling her Naomi which means pleasant but she wanted them to call her Marah which means bitter.
  8. What did Ruth do when they came to Bethlehem? [she gathered food for Naomi and herself]
  9. When Ruth went to the fields to glean she went to a field owned by Boaz, a relative of Elimelech’s. Do you think this was just an accident, or did God have His hand in her choice of fields? [God was watching over Ruth and Naomi]
  10. What was the unusual way that people in the days of Ruth and Naomi “sealed a deal”? [Boaz took off his sandal and gave it to the other man.]
  11. How did the story end? [Ruth married Boaz and they had a son named Obed]
  12. Who was Obed’s grandson? [King David]

**Ruth was the great-grandmother of King David. David was in the family line of Jesus. Even though Ruth was a foreigner and not a Jew, God used her because of her great faith. Ruth became an ancestor of Jesus, our Great Redeemer! Although bad things happened to Ruth and to Naomi, they still knew that God loved them and believed in Him.


Bible verse: “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28a KJV


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