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Bartimaeus Cries Out (Mark 10:46-52)

Storytelling Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

This Storytelling lesson seeks to highlight (mostly by telling the story in three different ways) Bartimaeus' role in his own healing. He doesn't just ask Jesus for help, he cries out to Jesus for help, even after other people tell him to be quiet. The lesson activities consist of watching a "movie" of the story (movie, here, refers to a "homemade" narration of slides - like a powerpoint presentation). The second activity consists of putting on a play that mirrors the events of the scripture story using popsicle puppets. An additional option is to video tape the puppet play and then let the class watch it after they've completed the puppet play.

To view the movie of the story and to download the supply document, click HERE (NOTE: The link will take you to the page specifically created for viewers of this post).

For the full lesson, download the attached Word .doc at the bottom of this post. Note that the first three pages of the document are "background" and that the actual lesson starts on page 4 (which is also where you will find the supply list).



Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.


Open with a prayer.


Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

From the attached lesson, here is the story script with some of the teaching comments (in first person) included:

Ask (answers are in parenthesis)

  • So how does Bartimaeus try to get Jesus attention? (by crying/yelling out to him)
  • Are there people who tell Bartimaeus to be quiet? (yes)
  • Why do you think they might do that? (because they don't think Bartimaeus is important enough to ask for Jesus' attention)
  • What does Bartimaeus do when he's told to be quiet? (He yells louder)
  • Were you surprised that Bartimaeus didn't stay home, but instead followed Jesus?


  • Now we’re going to make our own movie.
  • We have two characters that need readers. Jesus and the crowd. I need three or four people to read the crowd part together.
  • Then I need one person to hold up the Wall.
  • (If need be, you can assign an “audience” part to the less than enthusiastic students. Our shepherd here will record our play (or maybe have a student help out here, too).
  • So we’re going to go behind the screen, here.
  • If we have time, we’ll do a practice run through, where I’ll be the director, helping yall know what to do and when to do it.
  • Once we go through the practice run, then we'll film it.

Do & Record Popsicle Puppet Play


  • Bartimaeus (depending on age of class, have teacher read and student control the puppet)
  • Jesus
  • The Crowd (have 3 or 4 students read this part together)

The Script:

Bartimaeus: Please help me out and share some of your food and money with me. I'm blind and I need help.

The Crowd: We're busy. Move out of the way!

Bartimaeus: I wish I could see. I wish I could see. I WISH I COULD SEE!

The Crowd: We're busy. Move out of the way!

Bartimaeus: I've heard rumors about a man named Jesus who is healing people. He's going to be in town today. I'm going to ask him to help me.

The Crowd: We're busy. Move out of the way!

Bartimaeus: If Jesus heals me, I don't want to be like these people who pass me everyday and push me to the side.

The Crowd: Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming! Move out of the way!

Bartimaeus: Jesus is coming by? Right now?

The Crowd: Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming! Move out of the way!

Bartimaeus: This is my chance! But wait! How will Jesus notice me? These people are so loud! I will have to be louder than they are. JESUS! JESUS! OVER HERE! PLEASE JESUS OVER HERE! I NEED YOUR HELP!

The Crowd: Be quiet! Be quiet! You're in the way!

Bartimaeus: These people don't care about me. I'm not listening to them. JESUS! SON OF DAVID! HAVE MERCY ON ME!

The Crowd: Be quiet! Be quiet! You're in the way!

Jesus: Bring him here.

[Jesus and Bartimaeus puppets move closer together]

Bartimaeus: Jesus, hello. Thank you for listening to me.

Jesus: What is it that you want?

Bartimaeus: If you choose, I know that you can make me see. Please choose to heal me.

Jesus: I do choose.

Bartimaeus: I can see! I can see! I can see!

Jesus: Your faith has made you well.

Bartimaeus: Jesus healed me! He's not at all like these people who ignored me and told me to get out of the way. I said if I could ever see, that I did not want to treat others like I have been treated. I'm going to learn how to live this better way by following Jesus and choosing to live life his way!


Suggested Variations: If in need of readers, have the teacher and shepherd read, while the students control the puppets.



End with a prayer.

A lesson posted by Nathanael from


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


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