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CARPENTRY & CONSTRUCTION Workshop Lessons and Ideas

This topic is for posting your Carpentry or Construction workshop lessons and ideas which seem to fit the story of "Jesus the Boy"

Why carpentry? Jesus' father was a carpenter. What would Jesus Build for others? What wooden object could we build to represent the carpenter?

"Construction" Workshops often involve building with LEGOS or story table supplies (playmobil characters, etc).

Some older posts have been moved in here from their original location.

A Challenge from "Wormy":

Doing "any old carpentry project" without considering how the project teaches the story or reinforces life application --is the same MISTAKE made by traditional curriculum which stick a "craft" project into a lesson where the craft and materials are at best, tangential, to the story's meaning.

The activity/project should be designed in such a way so that it teaches/reflects on the central WORD or Good News or life application of the story.

While renovating this thread, we have archived the following project suggestions made in response to a member's question, "Help I need carpentry projects for the Boyhood of Jesus rotation!"

  • Birdhouse  --Jesus promises God cares more for us than the birds of the air
  • Jacob's ladder (toy)
  • Cross
  • Fish
  • Carpenter's nails craft-wired together to form a cross. Use as a necklace.
  • Picture frame for a picture of your family who you know will always come looking for you

See the "Building a House" post below for some new details and thoughts.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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