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Celebrating Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Please post your suggestions, lessons, and resources for celebrating "Shrove Tuesday" (the day before Ash Wednesday) and Ash Wednesday (the official start of Lent).

History and celebration of "Shrove" Tuesday on Wiki.

"The word shrove is a form of the Old English word shrive (schrifen in German) which means to obtain forgiveness for one's sins by way of confession and doing penance. Thus Shrove Tuesday was named after the custom of Christians to be "shriven" before the start of Lent"

Celebrants would "use up" the last of their eggs and butter making baked good/pancakes to eat on the last day before fasting begins.

Bible Lesson Idea for Kids:

  • Making pancakes and deciding what you will "give up" (fast) in the daytime during Lent (or all Lent).
  • "Giving up" also means "confessing." What bad habits do you need to confess and try to give up this Lent?  How can you visualize "forgive" (do away with) these sins?  Flash paper?


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  • mceclip0
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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