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Jesus Feeds the 5000

Computer Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the 5 Loaves - 2 Fishes software (Sunday Software)

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The Software:

  • Students meet Peter and travel with him to Bethsaida as if they are the young boy.
  • Once in the village, the player must find their Uncle and must convince him to take the time to go listen to Jesus. (this is a major theme of the CD: learning from Jesus that he is the Messiah and believing.)
  • When they find the bread and fish, and meet Jesus, they hear from him, and become part of the miracle. This miracle inspires the Uncle to believe Jesus is his Lord.
  • Afterwards, the boy and his Uncle go fishing and answer some questions about the story.
  • After answering the questions, the students can view a Music Video about the story and it's meaning for us. The guide to the CD has the lyrics printed for further discussion.

The interactive game is laid out like a lesson plan. The story is fully presented, and reflection/quiz/discussion questions are found throughout. It's a complete lesson and includes a reflection music video at the end of the game with discussion questions. 

A lesson written by Neil MacQueen

Neil is the author of the CD.


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