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Reply to "COMPUTER and GAMES Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Ten Lepers"

Fall of Jericho (Sonsoft)
for "The Ten Lepers"  Luke 17: 11-19

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I usually find the best way to do up a question set is by following the sample questions below, filling in appropriate info. for that particular story:

Multiple Choice is always fun!
  • Is the story found in the Old Testament or the New testament?
  • What book in the New Testament is the story found in?
  • Which scripture reference in the book of Luke tells the story of the Ten Lepers? (give them 3 or 4 choices to choose from)
  • Where did it happen? (location, city, etc.)
  • Next I usually go through the bible line by line, writing a question that the answer is found in that line.
  • What does that mean? As I go through I also will ask questions on meanings of words that may be new or are important (symbolic, etc.).
  • Finish up with question(s) on what the story should have taught them, such as, "Which of the following is not what the story teaches?

"Reflection" questions specific to the Ten Lepers story:
  • Name a group that could be considered "outcast" in your school.
  • Name a group of people that most people in the world do not like.
  • Name one way a Christian says "thank you" to God.
  • Name something a Christian should thank Jesus for everyday.
  • Name an excuse people use for not remembering to thank Jesus.
  • Name something YOU are thankful for and describe how you show that thanksgiving.

For older kids add in some questions on where else the word leper is mentioned in the bible. Give them the scripture references so they can scramble to find the answer in their bible. 
Below are some "Other Lepers in the Bible" questions for you.

  • What leper of Bethany entertained Jesus in his home? Simon (Mark 14:3)
  • What king of Judah was a leper until the day of his death. Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:21)
  • What captain of the armies of Syria was a leper? Naaman (2 Kings 5:1)
  • What woman became a snow-white leper for a short time? Miriam (Numbers 12:10)
  • Who put his hand into his bosom and, drawing it out, found it leprous? Moses (Exodus (4:6)
  • Who became a leper after he lied to the prophet Elisha? Gehazi (2 Kings 5:27)
  • Who told Moses to send lepers away from the Israelite camp? The Lord (Numbers 5:1-4)
  • What is the greatest number of lepers Jesus healed at any one time? Ten (Luke 17:12)


Originally posted by Luanne Payne in previous discussion about the Ten Lepers. 

Luanne posted the following Quiz suggestions in response to a lesson help request.

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

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