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Reply to "COMPUTER and GAME Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Jesus Stills the Storm"

Game Idea


A Game Posted by member CoreyUMC

We played an island game for our Jesus Calms the Storm rotation that was very successful.


First, we set up a boat area and a water area and the object of the game was for those in the boat to rescue those teammates who were in the water.


We used square scooters with a rope on it to roll out to those in water. Those in the water had to catch the scooter and then sit on it and be pulled back in by those in the boat. The only thing was it that they could not leave their designated areas. We then broke up into two teams and had a race to see which team could rescue their teammates the fastest. The kids loved this game.


After playing a few rounds, we read the story and walked our game area deciding how to LABEL all the game props and "stormy seas".  


What is the scooter for Christians? The rope? The seas?  Our teammates?


We had kids write out on sheets of paper "things that scare us" both personally and that are scary in the world (problems). We taped these to the floor in random patterns.  Then we played a version of the game where the kids were blindfolded and sitting on the scooters, and had to scoot to the finish line by listening to spoken instructions/guidance from teammates.  If they ran over a problem, their turn was over.


We talked about how Jesus guides us, the church, the bible, etc.  And how some people don't mind getting in trouble and why some will give out poor guidance!   Who do you trust?  Of what should a Christian be afraid?

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