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Reply to "COOKING, KITCHEN Workshop Lessons and Ideas for the Last Supper"

Crushing grapes ideas

Original Question by member Cindy

We are preparing a rotation on Jesus' words "I am the Vine, you are the branches." For a cooking workshop, we would like to have the students crush grapes to make a special communion "wine". Any ideas on the easiest way to go about doing this? Thanks!


Jaymie Derden wrote:

I've done this before just using a potato masher and a big bowl. Once the grapes are all smashed, you can strain out the pulp and the remaining juice is your "wine."

I've seen pictures of kids actually smushing grapes with their feet -- done as part of Marketplace 29 A.D. VBS. It looks like they filled a plastic wading pool (or metal washtub) with grapes and let the kids in a few at a time to smush away. (shoes off of course!) This might be a little hard in winter with girls wearing tights to Sunday school, but closer to summer, might work.

Catherine wrote:

How about putting a few grapes in sandwich baggies. The kids can mash it with their hands and pour out the "wine" into a small communion glass to drink.

Linda wrote

I just can't help thinking of "Lucy" in that big vat holding her skirt up and squashing grapes with her feet! That is one of the funniest routines I've ever seen!!! I think the kids would love to smash grapes with their feet, I'm just not sure I'd drink the juice! I can see the kids now going to the pool with purple feet. Talk about an opportunity to witness! We could do what I did to take a shower after foot surgery, put their feet into a breadbag and secure with a not-too-tight rubber band, that I might drink! This is fun, so much different from my Sunday School experience and I loved Sunday School then!!!

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