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Reply to "Creative Ways to Read and Discuss the Bible with Children"

Here are some helpful online resources for leading better discussions from the folks at Pedagogy = "the method of teaching."

Chat Stations as a way of priming group discussion

Here's a simple approach to priming discussing that's easily adaptable for Sunday School. Produced by the creative folks at Cult of .

One of the things I like about this approach is that it reduces the anxiety of having to share in front of many people, by preparing to share in a smaller group or pair. You could have kids rotate individually too.


The Problem of "Fisheye" Discussion

(Where you think the discussion was great, but in reality, only a few people participated). From the educational site "Cult of Pedagogy."

Their interesting solutions to get kids talking:

  • Give shy student a slip of paper ahead of time with the question you want them to answer.
  • Be comfortable with wait times (don't move on to the next kid who's willing to talk).
  • Answer questions first in smaller groups: Think, then pair up, then share up. ("Think-pair-share")
  • Teach talkers the importance of listening, and listeners the importance of contributing.

Think Pair Share

A simple interactive discussion technique well-known in public teacher circles, but rarely used in Sunday School (for no good reason).

Excerpted from




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  • reallyparticipating
  • thinkpairshare
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