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Discipline problems with children from dysfunctional family

 Visit's Teacher Training Article 

Dealing with Disruptive Children in Sunday School

This article includes practical helps and is also available as a PDF you can share.

Member Indy kicks off this topic with the following problem...

Our church has successfully been involved in the Rotational program for nearly 3 years. 

Some of our kids come from families that are unchurched, with moms and dads lacking in parenting skills, yet looking for something better for their family. Unfortunately, with dysfunctional families, come children who are wounded from emotional and/or physical neglect or abuse.

How can these children be best served? Do you have any suggestion for how to bring these children into a "normal" church classroom setting? We are experiencing discipline problems, disrespect of authority, etc.

It’s amazing how a few children can totally wreck a well-planned workshop. It’s discouraging to teachers, shepherds, disruptive to the class and disturbing to other parents who do not want their children raised alongside misfits.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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