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Book of Acts

Drama Workshop for Jesus' Baptism
Grades K-2

Lesson Objectives: The children will

  • Be familiar with the story of Jesus’ baptism
  • Understand the sacrament of baptism, including the promises made by an infant’s parents and others involved
  • Understand the use of a Faith Chest


  • Read the Bible backgrounds
  •  Be prepared to dramatize a baptism
  • Familiarize yourself with baptism script, be prepared to say some things together if you need to save time.

Supplies List:

  • Beginner’s Bible, Zonderkidz
  • Baptismal font (use marble font located in the social hall)
  • Dolls
  • Water
  • Candles (can the children keep them?)
  • Shells
  • Faith Chest
  • Samples of items to be placed in chest (candle, napkin, certificate, outfit, etc.)


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Welcome the children back. Then SAY: Even though it is a new year on the calendar, we still have the same theme as when we started Sunday School in September. Do you remember what it is? (We hope that by now they know that it is, “Listen, God is Calling”. Remind them if necessary.)SAY: Do you remember your baptism? Probably not…you were a just a baby. Well, in today’s story God is calling Jesus to be baptized. Yes, even Jesus was baptized; although he was a grown man when it happened. Let’s listen as I read about it out of our children’s Bible. But first let’s fold our hands and pray.

Dear God, Thank you for the time that we have with each other to learn about the story of Jesus’ life. Help us to listen as we learn about Jesus’ baptism; help us to always follow you and be obedient to you as Jesus was. Amen.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Read Story from The Beginner’s Bible pp. 303-307

After you have read the story, show the children the picture on page 307 and tell them that this is one of the few stories in the Bible that shows us the 3 persons of God all in the same place at the same time: God the Father (the voice from heaven) God the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove landing on Jesus) and God the Son (Jesus standing in the river.) Ask them again: What in the story shows us God the Father? (voice from heaven) What in the story shows us God the Son? (Jesus standing in the river) What in the story shows us God the Holy Spirit? ( dove coming to land on Jesus’ shoulder)

Dramatize a Baptism:
Tell the children that when they were baptized they became a child of God. Be sure to tell them that baptism is not simply plain water; it is water used according to God’s command and connected with God’s word. Without the Word of God the water is just plain water. That’s why we have baptisms in church with the congregation present, and the pastor in charge.
But today in Sunday School we are going to act out a baptism. Each of us gets to bring a “baby” to be baptized like our parents did for us, and then each of us gets to be the one to pour the water on the baby, just like the pastor does when it’s a “real” baptism. Before you bring your baby to be baptized, you need to decide on a name. Have them each pick their own name and practice saying, “I present ___________for baptism.” Have them practice saying, “I do” after you prompt them, also. Have them stand around the font.

Baptism Script:

Teacher: God who is rich in mercy and love, gives us new birth into a living hope through Holy Baptism. By water and the Word together, God delivers us from sin and death and raises us to new life in Jesus Christ.

(Have student step forward and say)

Student: I present __________________for baptism. (Each student repeats for their child using their special name.)

Teacher: (to all the children) Called by the Holy Spirit, trusting in the love of God, do you wish to have your child baptized into Christ? If so say, ‘I do.’

Student: I do. (Each child repeats. Remember, if you need to save time, have them say the responses together.)

Teacher: Do you promise to help your child grow in the Christian faith and life? If so say, ‘I do.’

Student: I do. (Each child repeats)

Teacher: People of God, do you promise to support and pray for your children and their lives in Christ? If so say, ‘We do.’

Students: (all together) We do.

Teacher: Do you believe in God the Father? If so say, ‘I do.’’’

Student: I do. (Each child repeats. Say together if you need to save time.)

Teacher: Do you believe in God the Son? If so say, ‘I do.’

Student: I do. (Each child repeats)

Teacher: Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? If so say, ‘I do.’

Student: I do. (Each child repeats)

Have each student take turns stepping up to the font, taking a shell and pouring water 3 times on their doll’s head as they say the words:

_____________, I baptize you in the name of the Father (pour), and of the Son (pour), and of the Holy Spirit (pour). Speak quietly along with them if necessary.

(When all have finished with the water.)

Teacher: Let us pray. We give you thanks, O God, that through water and the Holy Spirit you give your children new birth, cleanse them from sin, and raise them to eternal life. Amen.

(Have each child make the sign of the cross on their child’s forehead while they say it. Do it together if you need to save time. Tell them to what to say.)

Student: __________, child of God, you have been marked with the cross of Christ forever. Amen.

(Give each child a candle, but do not light them. Hopefully they can keep the candle.)

Teacher: Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Let us welcome the newly baptized by repeating after me…We welcome you! (repeat) Let us give thanks and praise to God! (repeat) AMEN.
End of script. Congratulate the children on doing such a good job.

Faith Chest:

Show the children the Faith Chest and some of the items that are placed inside. (I think that we will not have a lot of time for this. Use whatever time you have.)


The children may draw a baptismal font, a candle, or a faith chest in their book.

Closing: Prayer: Thank you, God, for making me one of your children at my baptism. May I always trust in you. Help me to obey your will and to serve you with joy, as did your son, Jesus. AMEN

Alternate Idea suggested by an editor:
Let kids take turns being the pastor, instead of the teacher doing it all. Consider having kids re-enact some 'baptism situations' ...such as baptizing a criminal, a liar, a bragger, a bully, ...and discuss what would be said to each during baptism...what would they need to confess? What would they hope would be 'washed away' ??


  • The Beginner’s Bible, Zonderkids, 2005, Mission City Press ISBN 0-310-70962-8
  • Evangelical Lutheran Worship, ELCA 2006 Augsburg Fortress


A lesson written by Kathy from: Augustana Lutheran Church, St. James, MN

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