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End of Sunday School Year

Giant Jeopardy

At the end of the Sunday School year, we play Giant Jeopardy. I make questions from each of the rotations we have done through the year. The children are split up into teams. To make fair teams, we split the children up into grades and then count off by the number of teams we decide to have. Each team is made of children from Kindergarten to 6th grade. Each team has a Bible to use for help. I cover one bulletin board with balloons (thumbtacked up). And another board or wall (Tape the questions)is set up for jeopardy game. If the team answers the question correctly they get 3 tries to pop a balloon with a dart (youngest children go first). If they pop the ballon then their tean gets the points for the question. Each round a different child gets to throw the darts so each child gets a few chances.
If the team doesn't get the answer to the question it goes to the next team.
This is a great way to review what you have done all year.

Toward the end of our Sunday School year our attendance tends to dwindle. So for the last two or three weeks we have themed field days. The children have really enjoyed these and our end of the year attendance has increased. Sunday School time begins with the telling of a Bible story in some creative manner. I may choose actors from the group and have them act out the story as I narrate it. Then I split the children (grades K - 6) as described above, so the teams are fairly split. Then we go outside or use our big hall and have games, with lots of relay races that pertain to the story.
An example:
Story: the good samaritan
Games: all relay races where cooperation was involved such as three legged race.
Story: Martha & Mary with Jesus
Games: Relay races using brooms and balloons, serving trays carrying dishes, serving spoons with eggs, etc.
One year we did fish stories and played a lot of water games.
The children have really enjoyed these. I also ask families to plan the games for us. I help with the theme and the family comes up with games and helps to set up and lead us in the games.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
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