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Reply to "First Corinthians 13 -- Love -- Workshop Ideas"

Other ideas moved here to consolidate ...

Lisa M.
Posted January 25, 2005 01:02 PM

...How about making an art collage of clippings that show love? Be specific in looking for images that show "patient" "kind" or make an anti-love collage of things that show arrogant, boastful rude (Super Bowl Sunday is coming up -- no shortage of clippings )


Pastor Beth
Posted January 25, 2005 06:27 PM

How about a drama workshop? Have students act out patient, kind, boastful, rude, etc. You could take polaroid pictures of each and make a poster to hang in the workshop.

Posted January 25, 2005 09:59 PM

  • Learn a portion of the passage in sign language.
  • Have the children decide what movements or gestures go with the passage. Read the passage slowly as they display their movements.
  • Find music that uses the words from this passage. (I am certain there is something that's been written - maybe someone else knows?)
  • For an art project - use the concept of "illuminated manuscripts" to create a copy of the passage.


Heather J
Posted January 26, 2005 09:49 AM

We used this passage as the basis for our introductory sessions - our theme for the year is our congregational mission statement: To Discover, Celebrate and Share God's Love. I have two weeks worth of lessons/activities, that I would be happy to e-mail to you, if you want to send me your address. I think there is a way to do that through this system, but I don't know it. My address is - in code so that spammers can't pick it up (do spammers look for victims on this site?): hjones at tpchurch dot net.

Posted February 18, 2005 01:51 PM

Make a 'time capsule' either individually, or as a group. Say: The older we get the more we grow physically and spiritually. I thought it would be cool if we read 1 Cor. 13 and as we look at some of the phrases, let's see if we as a group are doing this! We will write down what we find and put it in a time capsule, and we'll dig it up in ___months, to see if we've grown or changed for the better! For example:
"love is patient" I'd like to write down that last week I saw Josh's older brother sucker punch him, and I saw Josh be patient and walk away! Who will volunteer an example of NOT being patient that we can write down?
continue this, and maybe you can even have a 1Cor. time capsule party! Maybe you can even challenge an adult class to do the same!
God bless!

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