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Passover/Last Supper

A "Words of the Last Supper" Bible Games Workshop

from Irvington Presbyterian Church


Students will play "Password" -- a party game in which they give clues to each other to help their team or partner guess the word from the Last Supper story they clue-giver has been given. See and adapt the word list below!

The game of "Password" is a "word association" game in which one player gives single word clues to another to help them guess the word they are giving clues about.  In this case, all the words are from the Last Supper scripture text and students must come up with the clues. In traditional Password, the clue-giver can only speak clues using a single word, but you may adjust this rule for your students.

A helper on each Team can help the clue-giver think of associations/synonyms to say aloud. For example, if the password is "bread," the helper might say, "Think of an ingredient in bread and say that to your team."

Scripture Reference:

Luke 22:14-20

Key Bible Verses:

"This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me."
"This cup is God's new covenant sealed with my blood."


  • Read/print the Password Game Rules found on various game websites, such as this one. Adapt as needed!
  • Write the words from the word list on index cards.
  • Create a "gameshow set."  In Password, the clue-giver sits next to the clue-receiver, but in "group Password," the clue-giver steps forward to a podium or sits in a chair in front of their team.
  • A timer (such as your cellphone).

Lesson Plan


Greet the children, introduce yourself, and explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they'll learn.

Open with prayer.

Play a quick game of "Password" by seeing if the class can guess what word you are thinking of.

  • The first answer is: "Jesus."  Possible single word clues to give:  Christ, Savior, Bethlehem,
  • The second answer is: "Bible."  Possible clues:  Scripture, Book, Word
  • The third answer is: ______ (name of a student)  Possible clues: (their last name, something about their appearance)

Study the Story:

Read the story of the Lord's Supper -- the version from which you have created your Password List.

Follow up questions:

  1. Why was this going to be Jesus' "LAST" Supper?  Was it really his "last"?
  2. What message did Jesus give his disciples when he tried to wash Peter's feet?
  3. What message did Jesus give his disciples about The Bread on the table that night?
  4. What message did Jesus give his disciples about The Cup that night?  He called it, "The New Covenant," what did he mean?
  5. He said the New Covenant was "sealed in his blood." What did he mean by that?
  6. During the Passover Meal they were eating for Jesus' "last" supper, they raised their cups several times to pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God.  What was JESUS thankful for?
  7. What are YOU thankful for about the Last Supper and Jesus' messages?

Let's Play Password!

See the word list below. Keep in mind that many of these words are opportunities to share insights or ask a quick follow up question!

Below are Irvington Pres' rules for playing password. Adjust to your situation.

(If you're unfamiliar with the game "password" and its simple rules lthere are many websites you can consult. It's a clue/guessing game in which the clue-giver is given a secret word (aka the "password") and then says a single word clue/synonym  in an effort to get their partner/team to guess the password.

Divide into 2 or 3 teams of two to three players each. Children take turns being the "clue giver" to their own team.

One child from each team will give the rest of his/her team clues; the clue-giver should sit opposite his/her team, facing them.

Each team's clue-giver is shown the same password (see attached word list). Team A's clue giver begins by giving his/her team ONE word that should help them figure out the password. If Team A guesses correctly, give them one point and switch clue givers for both teams. Proceed with the next word. If Team A guesses incorrectly, Team B's clue giver offers ONE word as a clue to his/her team. If Team B guesses correctly, they receive one point, the clue givers are switched, and so on. If Team B guesses incorrectly, Team A gets another turn, with turns switching back and forth until someone gets the password/answer right.

Use a timer to limit the amount of time each team has to try and come up with the correct word. You can start with 10 seconds and adjust from there.

Feel free to prompt, hint, and encourage as needed. If children clearly don't remember the details, give them a chance to re-read the stories and then continue the game.

Suggested PassWord List:
All words from the scripture passage. A couple are from the broader story which you may or may not have shared during your discussion. 

door post


Close by PANTOMIMIING or drawing CLUES to the following words of prayer. If time, give each word to your students and have them present their word in order.

in Heaven
Thank you
(for) Jesus
(for) the Last Supper
(for) forgiveness
and love.

A lesson written by Irvington Presbyterian Church
Indianapolis, IN and adapted and expanded by members of the Content Team


Images (1)
  • Password Game
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