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Reply to "BIBLE SKILLS and GAMES Workshop Lessons & Ideas for Zacchaeus"

Questions used for the game.

(These questions are suggestions only. You may make up your own. The answers given by the kids might be different, but still correct – especially the Pink questions.)

Green Question Cards (Worth 5 beads)

  • What book of the Bible is our story about Zacchaeus from? (Luke)
  • Is the story about Zacchaeus in the New or Old Testament? (New)
  • Was Zacchaeus a rich or poor man? (Rich)
  • Why couldn’t Zacchaeus see Jesus over the crowd of people? (He was short)
  • What did Zacchaeus do when he couldn’t see Jesus? (Climbed a tree)
  • Where did Jesus want Zacchaeus to take him? (To his home to be a guest)

Yellow Question Cards (Worth 10 beads)

  • What city was Jesus passing through when He met Zacchaeus? (Jericho)
  • What government did Zacchaeus collect taxes for? (Roman)
  • Why did Zacchaeus have so much money? (He cheated people – stole from them)
  • What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb? (Sycamore)
  • When Jesus came by the tree, He called Zacchaeus by name. How did Jesus know his name? (God knows everything – He even knows about each little sparrows)
  • Zacchaeus knew he had done wrong by stealing. What did Zacchaeus say he would do to make up for this wrong? (Give half of his money to the poor – If he overcharged anyone on his taxes, he would give them back 4 times as much)
  • What is our memory verse? (Be kind and loving to each other and forgive each other, just as God forgave you in Christ - Ephesians 4: 32)

Pink Question Cards (Worth 20 beads) (Written with the help of Neil MacQueen)

  • What was Zacchaeus hoping for by meeting Jesus? (? Find out what Jesus was all about. ? Find out if what he had heard about Jesus was true. Etc.)
  • What was it that Jesus saw in this man? (God had a special plan for Zacchaeus. Jesus knew Zacchaeus had hope of making a change. Etc.)
  • How are we like Zacchaeus? (We sometimes are not honest. We are curious. We want to know more about Jesus. We would be excited to see Jesus.)
  • How are we not like Zacchaeus? (We don’t cheat people on purpose. We haven’t seen Jesus. Jesus hasn’t come to our home as a guest.)
  • In what ways do we “climb trees” to see Jesus? (Go to church, read the Bible, Pray, Bible Camp)
  • When we “climb trees for Jesus,” what are we hoping to find? (Eternal life, peace, salvation)
  • How will we know if Jesus calls to us (Kind of like He called to Zacchaeus)? (Listen to His word. Pray. Pay attention. An inner peace/quietness with a decision.)
  • If Jesus calls us to do something special, what do we risk when we obey Him? (Depends on what he calls us to do. If he calls us to help someone- we might lose out on our time. If He calls us to go be missionaries to a foreign country- we might lose out on the life we have now, our friends, our comforts.)
  • What do we gain if we do what Jesus asks of us? (Everything! Satisfaction of doing as our Master requests. Eternal Life.)

We honestly didn't have very good luck with the teeter-totter working well (even though we tried several different ways). What we ended up doing was counting the beads at the end - that worked fine.

We used beads because we didn't want to keep track of the coins from week to week - and because the coins moved around too much in the cups, making for a shifting weight.

The kids liked the game anyway! Thanks for a good idea!

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