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Reply to "Gospel According to Disney"

Gospel according to Disney? Yeesh.

I Samual 16. Decorate a box -- ugly on outside, beautiful on the inside.

Pinnochio sounds like you are trying to get at the fruits of the Spirit. Cut out fruit from construction paper and list a spiritual fruit on each.

Luke 6:38 OOOH There's got to be something that can be pressed down, shaken together, running over!! We had a slime recipe once...

Jungle Book -- I have to say, I HATE this movie for the 1940s stereotypes imbedded in it. Couldn't you pick something else? The Lion King maybe? Okay, friendship, friendship bracelets maybe?

Peter Pan -- Not sure I see the connection to Acts 5:12-16 which is about healing. How about putting together a care package for a local shelter?

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