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Reply to "The Great Feast Lesson/Ideas Set"

The Great Banquet

Drama/Cooking Workshop

This lesson was added by Wormy and reviewers with the following "idea" -- in place of the original drama which was deleted during a forum renovation project.

See here for scripture, key Bible verse and objectives.

Create and eat a Kingdom Feast Meal

  • Each food is prepared in the kitchen by students.
  • Each food represents something in God's Kingdom.
  • Each food is ritually talked about and shared around the feast table like a Seder/Passover Meal

The following types of food are suggestions, and are only somewhat based on what you would find on a Seder plate.

Table Setting:  Kids set the table. You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies (Ps23, the table is for even enemies to gather at, just like Jesus gathered with the Pharisees).  Leave some empty chairs and label them "those we need to invite to meet Jesus".

Bitter:  Celery dipped in salt water. Then celery dipped in yogurt. Life is hard and sometimes bitter. This is why Jesus calls us together, to share, and support each other. When we gather, God helps turn the bitter into sweet.

Rocks:  Represented by bits of dough wrapped around a single chocolate chip.  Some things look hard and useless, like spending two hours on Sunday in a church when you could be sleeping in or playing outside.  People don't understand that sometimes ROCKS have a secret. What's our secret here?

Outcasts:  Represented by Trail Mix.  There may be something in the mix that you do not like. But don't throw it out!  God wants us to accept every one of his children. 

Bread for the journey: Whenever you eat this bread, do this in remembrance of me.  Our lives need more than food, they need the Word of God. Jesus is like food. He is also like breadcrumbs....leaving us a trail to God, showing us the right way in our lives. Make a trail and eat it.

Sweet Kingdom/Heavenly Finish: A sticky sweet roll.   Heaven is an awesome sweet place. Jesus has gone to prepare a room for us there. But the secret is that we can start living like we're in heaven now because Jesus is with us now too!  How do we do that?   Remember to SHARE the sweet roll with others, and do not eat all of it by yourself. Take part of the sweet roll, put it in a bag, and give it to your sibling or parent with a reminder of what it means.

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