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Reply to "Hannah - Ideas , Lessons and Resources"

Drama Ideas


The story of Hannah is pretty dramatic. You could break it into sections:


1) the servant taunting her
2) coveting a child (don't the 10 Commandments say not to covet?)
3) Her fervent prayer in the temple
4) God answers her prayer ("Ask and it will be given unto you")
5) Letting Samuel stay with the priest

You could do small vignettes of the story and discuss the scene. Before you read the story together, ask how many know it. (most won't). At the end of each scene you could ask them what they think will happen next.


Vignettes can be scripted skits, or posed-and-photographed tableaus where the kids decide what poses will convey the action and meaning, then dress the part.

Or, you may want to focus on just one part of the story, depending on the age group.

It's a great story with lots of possibilities.

Hope this helps!

Julie Burton

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