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Ideas for teaching about Baptism

3 Stories from Acts about Baptism and Believing

Here's a bright idea for teaching Baptism & Believing that's quite different than the usual approach to teaching Baptism (which is to talk about Jesus' baptism).

Teach a six week unit about Baptism -which doesn't refer to Jesus' baptism, using the following 3 short stories from the Book of Acts:

  1. Peter baptizes Cornelius,
  2. Paul baptizes Lydia/household,
  3. Paul baptizes jailer/prisoners.

We did all three in sequence and it was really nice. We were able to get into the idea of ANYONE, even outsiders and unbelievers turned on to God. We were able to discuss WHAT it was that Paul asked them to believe. And we were able to discuss HOW these people were prepared/unprepared and attracted to becoming a believer. <>< Neil

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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