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(WT) More Ruth Teaching Resources, Books, Videos, and Pre-K

As our Writing Team brainstorms and develops their lessons, we always come across a number of good resources that don't get included in a lesson plan but are nevertheless worth sharing. Here are some of our favorites!

Video of a Threshing Floor

We considered a game where the kids must pull each other across a threshing floor, two acting as the donkeys, one riding on a blanket or tarp sled. Threshing is a separating process that leaves food for both the animals and the humans.

"We Dine Together" Club

Video of Kids in School Welcoming Immigrants and Others to Their Table. Ruth 2:14, Boaz invites the immigrant Ruth to his worker's table.

This idea could be a mission challenge to the kids. We also wondered out loud how a family could do this -- perhaps by sharing a meal with a new family (especially people who might feel or look different than yourselves), or dining at a local restaurant owned/favored by immigrants as a show of support, or partnering with a local immigrant congregration inviting them to fellowship.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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