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Resistance to Room and Mural Painting -and Workarounds

Editor's Note:


Rotation leaders sometimes run up against those "in charge" of the church building when trying to make changes to their room. This discussion started years ago and your insights are welcome. It's contents have been edited for brevity and readability.


We've been doing rotation since last May and haven't changed the look of our rooms yet Frown

Some people are concerned about painting, and "what if we want to change back" and "don't want to lock our workshops into a theme by painting."


If you have had to overcome this hurdle how did you do it??


We have been at this church for only a year and a half, and I am taking over as head of CE committee. How far should I push it??

Thanks for your help and ideas



Consolidated advice:




 Don't make a mess when painting.


 Consider painting movable 'flats' and canvas cloths to create your effect.


 Decorate with props, fake trees and other things instead of painting (as the "powers that be" see what you're up to, permission to paint will come easier.)



Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
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