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Music and Other Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Lost Sheep, Lost Coin

Music and Other Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep

Post your Sunday School other lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep here.  The 99 sheep, lost sheep, shepherd, woman, lost coin, rejoice, Matthew 18:12–14, Luke 15:3–7, Luke 15:8–10

From Member Janette:

Writing Your Own "Lost" Stories

In addition to the story of the lost coin, we also read the story of the lost sheep, and the lost son (prodigal). We looked at similarities between the stories and then wrote our own "lost" parables.

Some examples of the parables the children in my class wrote and illustrated are the Parable of the Lost Hamster, Parable of the Lost Goat, the Parable of the Lost Cheese, and the Parable of the Lost Chick.

In each story something is lost, someone finds it, and then they rejoice. We really stressed how the thing lost was like us when we sin and how the person searching is like God. I used tag board and white paper stapled together for books, but, little blank journals would be cute alternatives!

For older children and younger youth:  We had them write a "lost" story about themselves. We asked them to write about a "trail" that they were walking and the decisions they made along the way that continued to lead them toward darkness. Trail story starters:

  • The first Sunday I decided I didn't need to go worship.
  • The first time I realized that people at my church were hypocrites and sinners.
  • The first person I didn't help but walked on by (like the priest did to the man on the Jericho road).
  • Each "decision" was to be worse than the one before, with the trail/road ending in a dark place.
  • Then they wrote about Jesus finding them, and what he would say to them.

What does the word "lost" mean?  "Found" ?
Who is "lost" in your community?  Around the World?

When and "what about" do you feel "lost"

From Member JohnG:

We had our older students use the computer to write and illustrate "LOST PEOPLE" stories.

  • Who are the lost people in school?
  • Who are the lost people in our community?
  • When are YOU the lost person in need of God?
  • How did you get lost?  --what things make a person feel "lost"?
  • What does it feel like being lost?
  • What does it feel like being found?  Finding God?
  • How did you recognize God was there with you?
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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