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Psalm 23 Mad Lib Exercise


My Psalm 23 Mad Lib is attached to this post. It could be used in ANY workshop.


We used this fun mad lib exercise as an extra-time activity. The kids enjoyed this very much. I got the idea of a mad lib from Neil MacQueen who suggested doing this as part of a computer workshop.


Basic lesson use:


Say: Does everyone know what a “mad lib” is? (A fun word game) 


Using the sheet provided, do the mad lib either as a class (where you ask the students to give you the type of word Indicated) or give out sheets to pairs of students.  When all the blanks have been filled, read the resulting mad lib(s) aloud.


Ps 23 Mad Lib is attached to this post.


Say: We’ve created something really funny sounding. Let me read you something that comes from the Bible.

Read Psalm 23.

Ask: Do you recognize any part of our mad lib?

Say: Psalm 23 can be very comforting in times of difficulty. I don’t know if our mad lib would be all that comforting! It’s important to learn Psalm 23 by heart, to store it in our hearts (and mind) so it comes back to us easily when we need it, when we want to feel comforted. 



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