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Ruth & Naomi - Women of Faith

A Few "Ruth" Games

  • Picture Card Search and Match
  • Memory Verse Relay
  • Play-Doh sculpt
  • Ruth & Naomi Spinner Quiz Game

Picture Card Search and Match


Find images that represent the story of Ruth and Naomi. Use clip-art, coloring pages, old curriculum or do a search on the internet. (Use Google Images and do a search for Ruth and Naomi Bible)

Ruth gleaning
Famine – empty bowls
Map of Moab-Bethlehem
Barley or wheat
Best Friends

Copy the images and cut out. Glue to index cards or cardstock cut to size (3X5 is good) Make a duplicate set.
Hide the cards around the classroom.

To Play:
As children arrive show them a sample of the card you used. Have them look for all the cards. Once they have found the cards, have them put the matching pairs together.

Spread the matched pairs out on the floor or table so everyone can see.

Discuss how the cards fit in the story (or what "story" could each image be telling?)

Memory Verse Relay

Write out the words to the memory verse on index cards, one word per card. Make a duplicate set. Shuffle each set of cards together and place each set in a basket at one side of the room.

To Play:
Divide children into two teams and line them up opposite the two baskets.
First person in line must hop down to basket, pick up a card and hop back to line. Next person hops and picks up a card and hops back.
Continue like this until all the cards have been picked up. (After all children have hopped, try skipping, walking backwards, etc.)
Once all the cards are at the team line, have the children put the memory verse in order.
First team to finish is the winner!

Play-Doh Sculpt

Prepare a list of SCENES FROM THE STORY:

Ruth pledges to Naomi
"where you go I will go"
Ruth and Naomi's difficult journey together
Ruth gleans wheat from Boaz' field
Boaz gives extra wheat to Ruth
Ruth sleeps at Boaz' feet
Ruth and Boaz are King David's grandparents

Have fresh play-doh.

To Play:
Gather children together in a circle.
Oidest child goes first.
Choose a scene card and give it to the child.
Have the child take a ball of play-doh and sculpt the scene on the card.
Children in the circle must try to guess what the symbol is and tell how it relates to the story. Child who guesses correctly is the next “sculptor.”
Option: Pantomime the symbol rather than using play-doh.

Ruth and Naomi Spinner Quiz Game

Set out Game Wheel spinner
Copy question list

To Play:
1. Divide children into two teams.
2. Give each team a Bible.
3. Let one person from first team spin the wheel.
5. If team answers correctly, they get the number of points indicated on the spinner.
6. Team with most points wins!

1. Where is the story of Ruth and Naomi found in the Bible – New or Old Testament? (Old)
2. In what book of the Old Testament is this story found? (Ruth)
3. Where was Naomi and her husband Elimelech originally from? (Bethlehem) ** 10 points extra if team can find it on the map!
4. Where did Naomi and Elimelech travel to after leaving Bethlehem? (Moah)
5. Why did they leave Bethlehem? (because there was a famine)
6. Naomi and Elimelech had how many sons? (two)
7. Who did the sons marry? (Moabite women – Orpah and Ruth)
8. What happened to Elimelech and the two sons? (they died)
9. What did Naomi tell Ruth and Orpah to do? (stay in Moab while she traveled back to Bethlehem)
10. What did Ruth say to Naomi? (our memory verse, “Where you go, I’ll go, Where you stay, I’ll stay. Your people will be my people. Your God will be my God.
11. What is gleaning? (picking up the grain that drops during the harvest)
12. Why did Israelites allow gleaning? (to provide for the poor and widowed)
13. Gleaning helped provide for the poor and widowed Israelites. Were Israelites required to allow foreigners to glean also? (No!)
14. Whose field did Ruth glean from? (Boaz)
15. How did Boaz treat Ruth? (kindly, gave her extra grain, protected her)
16. Why did Naomi want Boaz to marry Ruth? (he was her kinsman)
17. What did Ruth ask Boaz to do when she went to see him at night? (to be her kinsman redeemer, to marry her)
18. What did Boaz say? (Yes, but first he had to check with a closer relative)
19. Why did the other relative take off his sandal when he was with Boaz? (to show that they had made an agreement for Boaz to marry Ruth)
20. Ruth and Boaz got married and had a baby boy. What was his name? (Obed)
21. Ruth was the great-grandmother of whom? (King David)
22. Ruth was a member of whose family tree? (Jesus) ** 10 points extra if you can name the special name of Jesus’ family tree – Jesse Tree)
23. The Messiah was prophesied to come from the line of whom? (King David)
24. Name one way God provided for Ruth and Naomi.
25. Boaz treated Ruth kindly even though she was a foreigner. How does God want us to treat others who are different than us?
26. Why do you think Ruth was willing to leave her family, friends and home?

Ruth and Naomi Concentration

Copy images from the story with titles onto cardstock or cut out and glue to index cards.
Make a duplicate set so you have two of each image.

To Play:
Shuffle the cards.
Lay out the cards, face down on a table or floor – in rows and columns resembling a Concentration board.
Divide the children into two teams.
First team turns over two cards – if they match, the team takes up the pair and plays again.
If they do not match, turn the cards back over and play passes to next team.
Continue play until all the cards are matched.
Team with the most matches is the winner.
Discuss with the children how the symbols help to tell the story.


Images (1)
  • mceclip0
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!