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Ruth and Naomi - Women of Faith
Video Workshop


Video: Ruth (Testament: The Bible in Animation, Diamond Entertainment Corporation)
Running Time: 25 minutes

See other possible videos listed in the Ruth Videos topic.

The full Ruth video from the Testament series is on YouTube:

Scripture References:


Memory Verse:

“Where you go I’ll go. Where you stay I’ll stay. Your people will be my people. Your God will be my God.” Ruth 1:16

Friendship, loyalty, courage, stewardship, leftovers, love for those who are different. God loves everyone!

Lesson Objectives and Life Application:

  • Children will locate the story in the Bible.
  • Children will define Ruth as a book of history in the Old Testament.
  • Children will retell the story in their own words.
  • Children will define: gleaning.
  • Children will identify the following characters in the story: Ruth, Naomi, Boaz, Obed.
  • Children will recognize that Ruth was a member of the family tree of David and Jesus.
  • Children will explain some of the Old Testament customs of gleaning, treatment of foreigners and kinsman redeemer.
  • Children will recognize God’s love for everyone.
  • Children will understand that God is with us and will use even difficult or bad situations to bring about good. (Romans 8:28 connection)
  • Children will memorize Ruth 1:16
  • Children will watch a video about the story.


  • Video - Ruth (Testament series) and a means to show it. If using the YouTube version, make sure you have a good internet connection in the classroom.
  • Age appropriate Bibles
  • Read the Background Information and lesson plan. Review the teaching guide and Behavioral Covenant.
  • Preview the video.
  • Prepare the popcorn before the children arrive and have it bagged and ready to distribute so your attention can be given to the children.

Important Note for Video Workshop Leaders:
Children love this workshop! Often the video is a direct correlation with the Bible story and creates a concrete, visual image in the children’s minds. They refer to this image over and over throughout the rotation as they visit other workshops. Some videos may take some liberties with the story-you may need to point out these discrepancies. As much as possible sit down with the children and watch the video together. Feel free to pause the video to discuss something that you especially want them to note. Please ensure that the children treat the room with respect-no standing, jumping, or otherwise abusing the seats.

Time Guidelines:

  • Welcome/Introduction 5 minutes
  • Video 25 minutes
  • Bible Study & Discussion 10 minutes
  • Journal/Closing 5 minutes

Lesson Plan

Welcome the children and introduce yourself.

Tell the children that today we will learn about the loyalty and friendship between two women. We will talk about how our faith in God strengthens us, and how God can bring about good even in difficult times.

Bring the children to the theater seats. Seat the smaller up front so everyone can see. Begin the video and distribute the popcorn once children are seated and you've done a short "review" of Ruth in the Bible with them

Review the Story:

Say: The story of Ruth and Naomi is one of the most famous love stories in the Bible. How many of you have heard this story before? This story is found in the Old Testament of our Bibles – a long time before Jesus was born. It has only four chapters. The story took place when Israel was ruled by Judges. Judges were leaders similar to our presidents, with God as their king.

For 3-6 graders say: If you look in your Table of Contents of your Bible you will see that the book right before Ruth is the Book of Judges. So Ruth comes right after that in our Bibles.
Let’s find the book of Ruth in our Bibles now.

1-2 Grades: Show them where Ruth is in their Bible and help them find it.

Tell them what they'll be seeing today, the write several QUESTIONS on the board for them to "watch for the answers to in the video:"

  • What was different about Ruth?
  • How did Naomi treat her?  Others?
  • Why do you think God chose Ruth and Boaz to become the grandparents of King David?

    After the video is finished, bring the children back to the center tables with their Bibles for the Bible study and discussion.

Bible Study:

Ask them to summarize the story of Ruth. Write down what they say for all to see and ask questions that help fill in the gaps.

Ask them to answer the questions you wrote on the board before the video began.

Ask them to find the memory verse in Ruth 1:16 and read it out loud.
Then, have them say it out loud as YOU read it.
Then, see if they can say it out loud without you reading it.

Reflection and Journal Time:
The last 10 minutes should be reserved for Journal Reflection time or a reflection activity if you don't use "journaling."  For example, have them write and illustrate the memory verse.

For journaling: 
Have students imagine themselves as Ruth and write a short story of WHO THEY can depend on to always include and look out for them. Invite them to share this short story if they wish.

Close with a prayer thanking God for the Naomi and Boaz' in our life.

A lesson written by Jaymie Derden from: State Streem UMC

Updated by a member of the Content Team

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