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Reply to "A Scrapbooking Workshop"


We are doing a Wedding at Cana rotation in October. We have scheduled a scrapbook workshop but I am not sure what I need to write. As a review, we thought about a discussion of the photos taken and of the workshops they had visited and let them scrapbook the series of workshops. I scrapbook at home with my adult daughters so I am familiar with the creative process, but putting it in writing stumps me. Have you posted any lessons plans in which you have scrapbooked? Any suggestions you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

Jerrie Lynn, Director of Christian Education, Ball Road Tabernacle, Romulus, MI Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!