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Reply to "Teaching Bible Stories with Secular Movie Clips: rationale and movie suggestions"

Disney's Frozen

Ten Biblical lessons we can learn from Frozen

  1. Some forces are more powerful than ourselves
  2. Love is patient
  3. Forgiveness heals
  4. Everyone is a bit of a fixer-upper
  5. People were not meant to live in isolation
  6. Freedom is not the absence of rules
  7. Love forsakes worldly desires
  8. The least likely people can be wise
  9. Evil never wins
  10. The ultimate act of love is a sacrificial death. In the end, Anna had a choice between saving her own life and giving her life for Elsa. Anna chose to save her sister, just as Jesus Christ died to save his beloved children, us. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13, NIV)

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