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The Great Commandment

Computer Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the Cal & Marty Scripture Memory game.

This software program is now available FREE OF CHARGE to supporting members.  Learn more here!

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Children will recognize that the term “law” applies to a wide range of rules.
  2. Children will compare the Great Commandment to the list of rules.
  3. Children will memorize the Great Commandment.
  4. Children will understand that the Great Commandment is "what God wants from them."

Supplies List:

  • Cal & Marty (Sunday Software)
  • Worksheets
  • Bibles

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Explore the software.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Find, read, and discuss the Great Commandment.
Ask children if they can remember any other commandments. Teach them that the Great Commandment is a summary of all other commandments.

Ask why God is a law giver, and why people need rules.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Now turn to the Great Commandment using Cal and Marty’s Scripture Memory Game CD.

Software Summary

Cal and Marty’s Scripture Memory Game CD (Sunday Software)– See how quickly kids can put the memory verse in order.

>> For older children, it is strongly recommended that you let them edit-in the verse into the game. They like doing that and it becomes part of their memorization process.

Have them also create the 3 question quiz that can go along with their verse. After creating this, let them test their memory verse game, then switch computers and have them take another team's Great Commandment game in Cal & Marty and answer the other team's questions that will appear on the screen.

Challenge them to see who can unscramble the verse the fastest. After everyone is done, if you have two or more computers running Cal & Marty, have a "head to head" contest between the computers to see which team can get the verse correctly assembled the fastest.

>> Younger children can type the letters even if they can't read, and can identify the correct words to put in the correct order IF you help them.

The following worksheet should be used AFTER memorizing the scripture at the computer...

Worksheet: Understanding the Law

Some of the laws found in the Pentateuch sound very strange to us and we can’t imagine having to follow that set of rules. Others seem to make a lot of sense, even thousands of years after they were written. Which ones make sense to you? Which ones seem kind of kooky?

Laws that make sense                    Laws that seem strange

What rules/laws do you have to follow that make sense? What rules/laws do you have to follow that seem kind of kooky? Reasons for the law: Scholars could come up with about a zillion reasons for the law. Here are a few.
Write down a "law" that we have for each category:

1.      To help people get along:

2.      To help nations not take each other's land:

3.      To make sure that worship is respectful and orderly

4.      To keep our lives focused on God

5.      To help people in unfortunate situations

6.      To establish an order/hierarchy for the nation

Do you think Jesus thought all these reasons were equally important?

Which types of law seem to fit with the great commandment?

Which don’t seem to fit with the great commandment?

What does the Great Commandment tell you about rules/laws 
you have in your life?


End with a prayer.

A lesson posted by Lisa Martin from: Trinity United Church of Christ
Pottstown, PA

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