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Reply to "The second coming of Jesus ideas and topic discussion"

Question posted in the Help Forum:

Our Kids church is predominantly comprised of kids aged 12 - 14 years old. They have asked for more in depth lessons & topics we have not traditionally covered over the number of years they have been attending.
I am exploring the idea of running some lessons on the Second Coming of Christ. Do you have any lessons or topics that would be applicable to that age range?

Reply by Neil MacQueen

"2nd Coming" isn't typically taught to children here in the States (outside of some quite conservative denominations). But given your age group, I can see the interest!

There is a REALLY good DVD about the Book of Revelation that addresses the subject of 2nd Coming with a balanced and traditional point of view, and does so in a smart, fun way for kids/younger youth.  It's DVD 13 in the "What's in the Bible?" series titled: "God's Kingdom Comes" (Book of Revelation). The series was created by Phil Vischer of Veggie Tales fame. I've seen it and thought it did a good job. I'm sure you can find it online or for sale all the way to Australia. Supporting Members can download the guide here  if you're interested.

Replay by Amy Crane

I think it is great that your students are asking for more in-depth study! If they really want to spend some time digging, it might be interesting to do a book study and read The Last Battle from CS Lewis’ Narnia series. (You may need to read the full series to really understand the arc.  This may be better as a suggestion for anyone who wants to explore the idea on their own. Or perhaps a summer book club?)

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