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“The Amazing Book” Worksheet

1. List several Bible stories mentioned in the video?

2. How many books are in the entire Bible? _____________

3. How many books are in the Old Testament? _____________

4. How many books are in the New Testament? _____________

5. Webster (the man who wrote the dictionary) said that

the Bible contains “all necessary ________________”

6. Abraham Lincoln said that the Bible was “the best ______________ God has given to men”

7. The Bible isn’t just His-tory, it is HIS STORY.

Who is the Bible about? _______________

8. The song says that the Bible “Is more than ink and paper. It’s more

than something to read. It’s a letter of ______________ from up above.”

9. What do you like most about the Bible? Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!