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(WT) Peter Sinks, Jesus Saves! ~ Video Workshop Writing Team

Peter Sinks, Jesus Saves

The story of Jesus walking on water

Video Workshop 

Summary of Activities

Students will view 2 video clips from the 2014 movie, Son of God, and discuss them. An optional extended version of this lesson also uses two more clips about Peter and Jesus' relationship. See "options" below.

Important Video Note: Be careful about substituting another video. If they are based on Mark or John, they will not include the story of Peter sinking. This lesson makes an important point using Peter's reaction/recognition seen at the end of the second clip from Son of God.

Scripture for the Lesson

Matthew 14:22-33  (Additionally found in Mark 6:46-52, John 6:15-21, but these two versions do not include Peter sinking.)

Key Verse:  "Take courage! It is I! Don’t be afraid!" Matthew 14:27 (NRSV)

The "two calls" of Peter

There are two important Gospel "boat" stories involving Peter and Jesus –each involving a call to Peter. This lesson is going to cover them both. In the first, we see Jesus climbing aboard Peter's boat and telling him where to fish on the lake. Then Jesus calls Peter to be his fisherman.  In the second story, Peter and the disciples are out on the boat when a storm comes up. They are afraid when they see Jesus walking towards them on the waves. But then Jesus calls to Peter a second time. Walking out to meet him, Peter has a crisis of faith and sinks. Then Jesus saves him.

As usual, Peter is a "stand-in" for all of us. Jesus not only calls us, but continues to be there for his flawed disciples in storms, and in spite of our lack of faith. It is Jesus' faith that saves, not Peter's.  This is what it means to claim Jesus as the Messiah. 

Both of the clips in this lesson come from the wonderfully dramatic and modern re-telling of Jesus' life in 2014's "Son of God."  Below are links to the two clips which have been posted on YouTube for preview purposes only. (A legit Sunday School should own this movie!)  Please note that the preview clips erroneously refer to the video as "The Bible" --which was the name of the companion movie produced by the same company. The Bible does not include these stories, Son of God does. For a complete outline of what's in Son of God, consult Neil MacQueen's free outline to Son of God at

Video 1: Jesus calls Peter, 
(Scene 4 from the movie's DVD menu. Approx 4 minutes. Jesus tells Peter where to fish. Luke 5.)


Video 2: Peter Sinks when called,
(Scene 11 in the DVD's chapter menu. Approximately 5 minutes. Jesus walks on the stormy water. Peter sinks. Matthew 14.)   Interestingly, in the movie this scene begins with the disciples gathered around the campfire and Peter declaring his faith in Christ, and in the next story, Peter sinks!  That says something quite interesting.


Remember: You need to buy the video in order to show it to your students.

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives. 

Preparation and Materials

  • Read the Bible Background and scripture.
  • Purchase and Preview the Son of God movie, and become familiar with how to advance the DVD's menu to get to the appropriate scenes.
  • Write or print the reflection choices for students to choose from at the end of class.
  • Bibles.


Lesson Plan


Welcome your students and explain what they'll be doing in today's lesson.

Video Clip 1 "Set up" Exercise

Write the following reactions on the board, then say this:  When Jesus says, "be my disciple" ...a message we often hear at church, how do some people react?  I'm going to put each of your names next to one (or two) of the following reactions and then call on you to act it out. I'll pretend I'm Jesus and say, "YOUR NAME, I want you to be my disciple, let's go!" ...then you act out the words. 

  • Who me? You must be thinking of someone else.
  • Yikes! I'm not sure I'm up for this.
  • Big deal. I have more important things to do.
  • Eye roll. This is for nerds.
  • Is this guy for real? I'm not sure what I'll do.
  • I'm moved to be asked to be a disciple of Jesus.
  • I'm convinced. Where and when do I start?

Say: After I show you this video clip, I'm going to ask you what Peter's reaction was to Christ's call.

Video Clip 1

Show Video 1: Jesus calls Peter, Scene 4 from the movie's DVD menu. Approx 4 minutes. Jesus tells Peter where to fish and calls him to be his disciple. Luke 5.

Video 1 Discussion Questions

  • Why did Peter go with Jesus? Would you have gone so easily?
  • Did Peter need to know everything about the Bible and faith to follow Jesus?  (No, and neither do we. Being a disciple is like being a student.)
  • What do you suppose Jesus "saw" in Peter that made him want to choose Peter? (Somebody who wanted more out of life?)

Video Clip 2

Video Clip 2 "Set up" Question:

Say: Before showing this next video, we're going to read the story from our Bibles which the video is going to dramatize. Then I'm going to ask you again, "What was Peter's reaction during the story when he saw Jesus?"  There were several, so pay close attention.

Read Matthew 14:22-33 together, then say, "This is a really dramatic scene with all the waves and wind." Let's see it dramatized on video.

Show Video Clip 2: Peter Sinks when called, Scene 11 in the DVD's chapter menu. Approximately 5 minutes. Jesus walks on the stormy water. Peter sinks. Matthew 14.  

Video Clip 2 Discussion Questions:

  1. Did the disciples expect to see Jesus walking on water?
  2. What was their reaction to seeing him?
  3. If Jesus walked into our classroom right now, how would YOU react? (Show us.)
  4. When Jesus called Peter to come walking with him, do you think that Jesus KNEW Peter would be able to walk or that he was going to sink?
  5. When you are asked to have faith, to worship, to learn, and serve God, do you feel like you're going to be able to do it?  Or do you kind of feel like your sinking and failing at that? (Have them share "sinking" or treading water," or "walking."
  6. What again did Jesus say to Peter when he put him back in the boat? 
  7. How do you think Jesus was feeling when he put Peter back in the boat? mad? upset? disappointed?  Or did Jesus know Peter would sink?
  8. If Jesus knew Peter was going to have doubts and lack the faith to walk on water, why did he call Peter to come walk on the water?  What might Jesus have been trying to TEACH Peter?


Reflect ~ Where are you in your Faith story right now? 

Where are you in this story right now? Which of the following "characters" describes you best? Pick one and be prepared to explain why.

Lookey Lou: I'm back on shore. Not in the boat. Heard the teachings of Jesus, but not ready to follow just yet. 

A. Longfer DeRide: I got in the boat because the other disciples were going, but I'm not 100% committed yet. I'm just along for the ride right now.

Izzy Him:  Jesus is kind of a "ghost" to me. Not sure I've seen him, or if he's really there.

I. B. Tossed:  Winds in my life are trying to blow me in different directions. I'm struggling with priorities.

Ima Walken:  Walking with Jesus is pretty good right now. 

Glug Glug Sunk: I try to follow Jesus, but it's obvious I'm not very good at it. Help me!

Sandy N. Wet: Feeling like Jesus has grabbed hold of me and tossed me in the boat. Now wondering where my faith is going to lead me.

Close by reminding students that no matter where they are in their faith right now, or in their doubts and disbelief, Jesus loves them, forgives them, is not upset with their doubts, and is ready to guide them.

Extended Option

Here is an Option to show and discuss two additional video clips from the Son of God movie which further illustrate Peter's struggle to be faithful, and Jesus' loving forgiveness and empowerment of such a sinner. This option is for older students, and those with more time.

Video Clip 3:  Peter Denies Jesus.  Preview: (1 minute at the end of the movie DVD's scene 26)  In this penultimate story of Peter's fickle faith, we see PETER SINK AGAIN, and Jesus look on him with compassion (Luke 24). In many ways, you could say that Peter's sinking in the water after being called is the same story with the same saving outcome, only delayed until Christ's resurrection.

Video Clip 4: Jesus Calls Peter Again Preview: (5 minutes, Scene 34 and 35.) The parallels between the disciples on the boat and in the upper room are fascinating. The disbelieving disciples. Then Mary Magdalene says she has seen him alive, and Peter runs to the tomb and believes (this time NOT seeing!)    Jesus then appears in the upper room and reaches out his hand to them. Thomas who on the boat shouted "it's a ghost," is now told by Jesus, "because you see me, you believe."  

Jesus tells Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe."  Did you see Jesus walking on water? How do you believe? 

The clip ends with a simple version of the ascension, and Peter standing and saying, "We've got work to do." 


If the Youtube links go 'dead' please reply below to report them. There are several copies of each clip on YouTube, so search again.

Written by the Writing Team
Copyright 2016, Inc.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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