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(WT) Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper -- a special Puppet Workshop Writing Team

Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper

"Bread of Life ~ Bread for Life" Puppet Workshop


Lesson Summary

Using the attached script, students will creatively "puppeteer" several scenes from the Bible that explain what the Bread at the Last Supper means. Rather than just using hand puppets, the script also uses objects, such as (and not surprisingly) a loaf of bread to visually make its point.  The puppet presentation is humorous, and focused on what Jesus wanted us to remember when he shared the Bread.

Scripture for the Lesson

The following scriptures are found in the script:

  1. Exodus 12:17, Moses: You shall observe the festival of unleavened bread, for on this very day I brought you out of slavery in the land of Egypt: you shall observe this day throughout your generations.
  2. Exodus 16:4 Then the Lord said to Moses, “I am going to rain bread from heaven for you, and each day the people shall go out and gather enough for that day.
  3. Luke 4: 4,  It is written, one does not live by bread alone.
  4. John 6: 30-44, I am the Bread of Life, whoever comes to me will never hunger.
  5. 1 Corinthians 11: 24, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives. 

Preparation and Materials

  • Read the Bible Background and scripture.
  • Print copies of the script.
  • Prepare a basket of tasty bread to eat at the opening and reflection.
  • Prepare a puppet stage.
  • jesus-loafFinger Eye PuppetsAssemble and prepare the puppets. You can use conventional puppets, or things like "eyes on a hand" puppets. You will need TWO Jesus puppets (one which is a loaf of bread), several people/disciple puppets, and pita bread puppets.  See the script for suggestions. 
  • Grape juice and glasses for the viewing party.
  • Video camera and monitor to play the video.

Lesson Plan


Welcome your students and tell them about today's lesson. Pass around a basket filled with tasty pieces of bread and as they munch on them, ask them how much they know about Jesus describing himself as bread. Why would he do that? What is it about bread that would make him do that? 

Tell them that in today's puppet show, they will learn many stories from the Bible "about bread" to help them learn more about why bread is such an important symbol in our faith and church life.


Assign roles and rolls
Hand out the puppets.
Practice some puppet moves.

Do a read-through:   Read through the script while standing behind the puppet stage. "Block" the action and rehearse the props as the narrators say their lines. 

Perform: "Bread of Life ~ Bread for Life"

View and Print the script attached to this lesson.

The script features two readers:   "The Narrator and the Clueless Kid."  

jesus-loafThe rest of the class are the puppeteers who listen to the narrator and teacher and re-enact what the narrator is talking about. (This approach frees kids from having to recite a script and makes it easier for non-readers to participate.)

The narrator and the kid should stand next to the stage with their script so that they are seen on-camera.

The puppets and breads-on-sticks are like "helper-friends" called together by the narrator to re-enact the stories for the "clueless kid."  Be sure the video camera can pick up the two narrator's voices. If needed, give them a microphone and amplifier.

The Narrator should be prepared to act as the "Stage Manager" —pausing in the script to call for any actions which the puppeteers have forgotten, or letting the puppeteers know that "that's enough" and you're moving on.

Watch and Reflect

Serve some grape juice along with more of your tasty bread while you enjoy your video. See the script for additional passages of Jesus with bread.


For non-readers, the script should be read by a teacher and an older student. 

For short class times, condense the number of scenes by eliminating one or more of them.


Written for the Writing Team by member Neil MacQueen
Based on an idea from member Kurt Hunter
Copyright 2017, Inc.


Images (2)
  • jesus-loaf
  • Finger Eye Puppets
Files (1)
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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