A Presbyterian Church’s Sunday School Scope and Sequence
from pastors Kim Trimboli and Neil MacQueen
Kim and I developed this list of Rotation Bible stories when we worked together at a church in Columbus Ohio. We modified it a couple of times, and I've since done other variations of this list in other churches. Some of our story choices took into account lessons which we were ALSO teaching in our Wednesday Night program, and other special programs. See my article about creating a Scope and Sequence for some of those choices.
We added a 6th Year of "no rotation" that we called the "Year of Jubilee" (which in the Bible is technically the 7th year, but our rotation list is only 6 years). The 6th year "Jubiliee" was intended to break us out of our old and new ruts!
Year One:
SUMMER: (Our Year One began in the Summer)
(June) Genesis 1 –Creation, with Sabbath focus,
(July) Genesis 2: Adam and Eve -the sin of hiding their sin,
(August) A survey of other minor stories from Genesis
Call of the Disciples
Paul on the Road to Damascus (call of Paul)
Parable of The Thankful Leper
Advent One: Luke – Mary, Elizabeth, and the Shepherds
Baptism & Temptation of Jesus
The Beatitudes
The Walk to Emmaus
Parable of the Lost Sheep, Coin
Parable of the Good Stewards (Pounds/Talents),
End of Year One Summer: (1) Anointing of David (2) David and Saul (3) David and Jonathan.
Year Two & Five:
In Years Two and Five we did something a little different than most Rotation Sunday Schools. We identified certain "MAJOR-MAJOR" BIBLE STORIES/CONCEPTS that we want to teach again to the students during their six years in Rotation. Prodigal Son, for example.) One of the reasons we did this was that we had a successful Wed Night program that also taught Bible stories, so we had the luxury of teaching some key stories twice.
Year Two: The Ten Commandments (a slightly longer series of lessons to cover all 10)
Year Five: The Great Commandment, Law of Love (with a mission/justice focus)
Good Samaritan
Advent Year Two: Matthew: Magi
Advent Year Five: Examining our Christmas traditions
Prodigal Son –what God is like, how we repent, and how we should accept others
Year Two: Daniel in Lion's Den (obeying God)
Year Five: Zaccheus
Year Two: Last Supper and Gethsemane
Year Five: The sequence of Holy Week
Psalm 23
Year Two: Esther
Year Five: Ruth, Naomi, Boaz
Year Two Summer: Summer of Paul” Paul and Lydia, Paul in Philippi jail writing/converting, Paul’s Journeys
Year Five Summer: Creation.... see summer/beginning of year one.
Year Three:
The Birth & Call of Moses (burning bush) -3 weeks
Moses, Pharaoh and the Exodus -3 weeks
Wandering in the Wilderness (complaining, water, manna, Promised Land) -3 weeks
Advent Year Three: John 1 ...in the beginning was the word...
Jesus heals the Man Let Down Through the Roof
Images of the Kingdom of God (mustard seed and pearl).
Trial and Crucifixion
The Story of Pentecost (defining 'Good News' and learning how to share it)
Peter’s Vision of animals on blanket at Caesarea, Peter and Cornelius
Year Three Summer: (1) Elijah -Chariot of fire story with Elisha picking up Elijah's mantle to carry on, (2) Mary, Martha and Lazarus ---two stories with Jesus, 3) Jesus heals: Jairus' daughter, the blind man, and the woman who touches his cloak
Year Four:
Stories of Abraham & Sarah –Call of Abraham first 3 weeks, Sarah/Angels/Isaac story second 3 weeks.
The Story of Joseph
Parable of the Sower
Advent Four: The Prophet Isaiah -The Promise and definition of 'Messiah'
Jesus calms the storm
A Walk on the Water (Peter and Jesus)
The Empty Tomb
The Story of Jonah, the reluctant prophet
Year Four Summer: (1) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, (2) The Widow’s Mite (and the story of what makes a disciple 'great' in God's eyes) (3) Jacob & Esau
Year Five
(See year two which repeats certain key stories and adds a few new ones for year five.)
Year Six
"The Year of Jubilee"
We will do something quite different for Sunday School. Try to incorporate the entire church/program in planning. Yes, the Year of Jubilee is technically the "7th year" but our kids are only in Rotation for six years.
**Must include a set of lessons recapping the Year Two Exodus Stories.
Other Lesson Subjects to be covered outside of Sunday School:
Subjects to be specifically addressed in “other venues” such as Wednesday Fellowship, Children’s Sermons, special learning times: Baptism, Communion, Prayer, Forgiveness, Questions about Heaven/Hell, why bad things happening to good people, “hearing” God’s voice, Doubting Thomas, Psalm 121, Psalm 8 and “other stories & verses.” More to be added as needed. VBS will cover certain key stories as well.