Our Birthday Celebration is in Full Swing!
Twenty-five years ago, in August 1997, our founder flipped a virtual switch and Rotation.org was born. You can read Rotation.org's fascinating history here. You can also read other member's stories here about how the site has impacted their teaching ministry as well as post your own! Whether they are using a Rotation or traditional model, their stories are inspiring and especially welcome during the season of change many churches are now experiencing.
My own Rotation.org story
by Amy Crane, President of the Rotation.org Board
in 1996, Linda Beckham, the Christian educator at my church in Tampa, Florida, came home from a conference with a crazy plan to revamp our Sunday School. She asked me to create a puppet and drama "workshop" and six months later, with God's help and a few handouts from the conference, we launched "N.B.A."—the New Bible Adventures Rotation Sunday School.
As the first Rotation Sunday School in Florida, our church soon became a "how did you do that?" destination for other churches wanting to make the change. In addition to writing our own lessons, we soon turned to the brand new Rotation.org website to share and glean ideas.
Over the years, I helped bring the Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School to two more churches; and I have used ideas from Rotation.org for other needs, including VBS, Wednesday Night Fellowship, and to supplement purchased curriculum that just wasn't creative enough. I also began participating in Rotation.org's Writing Teams to produce exceptional lesson sets.
In 2014, I was asked to join our volunteer Board of Directors, and in 2019 I was elected its president.
Building on those who came before us, Rotation.org is always improving and expanding. During the pandemic, our at-home and "distance" ideas and lessons were hugely popular. And just in the past year, we have launched Zoom Coffee Chats, posted many new lessons, refreshed older content, and created a new "Let's Go!" renewal-themed idea and lesson forum as a birthday gift to our community.
For many of us, Rotation.org has been an answer to prayer. It's a place where you won't just find one or two creative ideas and lessons, but YEARS' worth of them! It's a place where you can get help from other creative people and share your inspired ideas with the world. (Hello members in Australia, Japan, France, the U.K., and more!)
From the very beginning, Rotation.org and the Rotation Model have been powered by a spirit of sharing, so on our 25th Birthday, I want to invite you to share with me how we can make Rotation.org more useful to you and your church. Email me at amycrane@hotmail.com.
I also want to invite you to Wish Wormy a "Happy Birthday!" and tell your rotation story.
Gratefully in Christ,
Amy Crane
Rotation.org Board President
Here are some of the ways you can support our mission:
- Thank God and pray for our ministry and the members of our community.
- Share your ideas and lessons with the world by posting them in our forums.
- Post pictures of your creative ideas and spaces to inspire others.
- Follow us on Facebook, "like," comment, and share our posts.
- Invite your teachers and friends in other churches to explore our resources.
- Become (or remain) a Supporting Member. Our budget really does depend on you.
- If you are able, make an "above and beyond" donation to our non-profit.
- And keep creatively teaching kids about Jesus. There is no greater privilege.