The thing you may not have known about
You probably know that exists to provide CREATIVE teachers with MANY creative lesson choices, not just one or two. And they are available online when YOU need them -- whether that's tonight or five years from now.
But did you know that we areupdating, improving, and adding lesson content to our deep archive of creative choices? It's what sets us apart.
Here's how we're able to pull that off ! 
1. Our Content Team
We have a group of volunteers working with our writer-in-residence to update, improve, and add to our lesson forums. In the past year, Dena Kitchens, Luanne Payne, Catherine Curtis, Amy Crane, Carol Hulbert, and Neil MacQueen have made major improvements to our Advent, Holy Week, Resurrection, and Genesis forums. Next up: The Parables and Miracles of Jesus.
2. Our Writing Team
This revolving group of volunteer lesson writers has produced over 300 extra-creative lessons on major Bible stories. In the last 12 months they've written lesson sets for The Story of Ruth Daniel: Fire and Lions
The Prodigal Son
and will soon begin writing for Micah 6:8 and Man Let Down Through the Roof. Learn more about the Team and its collection of terrific lessons.
3. Our Wormys
In addition to our part-time paid "Wormy" webmaster and writer, several volunteers continue to update older ideas and lessons, add new ones, check links, and keep our forums tidy. Two of our most active "Wormys" are Sunday School teachers Amy Crane and Luanne Payne.
4. Our Board
Ron, Beth, Robin, Amy, Luanne, Carol, and Ian have YEARS of experience teaching kids. Each of them helps contribute, edit, and improve our site, as well as oversee its finances and direction.
5. People Like You is DESIGNED to welcome your creative input. No other Sunday School ministry does that, but for 20+ years it's been part of our DNA. Hundreds of your fellow educators, pastors, and teachers have posted their Sunday School ideas and lessons and we invite you to join them. It's a great way to share your creativity with people now -- and for years to come.
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