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The "paintingrocks.blogspot" has a lot of great pics and tips for painting rocks, best types of rocks, paints, brushes, paint pens sealing, etc.


Who knew you could buy bags of "Caribbean Beach Stones" on Amazon?

This link goes to the discussion in the Advent forum about creating Baby Jesus rocks as an Advent project, including, how the congregation "hid" them around town for strangers to discover.

Baby Jesus Rocks

FYI:  Supporting Members can see the Writing Team's "Jesus Rocks" Storytelling Workshop.

It uses rocks to tell the Palm Sunday story. ..Some rocks are so dense! 

The Rocks will sing - Jesus


Images (2)
  • Baby Jesus Rocks
  • The Rocks Will Sing
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Check out The Lord's Prayer Art Workshop, written by Carol Hulbert, from First United Methodist Church, painting Prayer Rocks.

Do you take your church kids camping? At end of above lesson I tell how we did this activity at our girl's Spring Weekend Camping Trip, at our local Provincial Park. Friday evening, we headed to the beach for a scavenger hunt to find our perfect stone, which they then painted the next morning, outside on a picnic table!

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