Teaching “Christ’s Seven Last Words on the Cross”
I originally wrote this lesson resource for my software website for use with Cal & Marty’s Scripture Memory Game. It could be used without software too. See suggestions below.
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The scripture memory software program referenced in this lesson may now be downloaded and used by you and your members free-of-charge. Learn more here.
Here are Jesus' "Seven Last Words"
1) “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
2) “This day you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)
3) “Woman, behold your son.” (John 19:26-27)
4) “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34; Matthew 27:46)
5) “I thirst.” (John 19:28)
6) “It is finished.” (John 19:30)
7) “Into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46)
The 7 Last Words teach children the extreme grace and obedience of Jesus at the most profound moment in all of history and most difficult moments of his life. They are especially personal words which further reveal the love and humanity of Christ.
It should be noted that the Gospels are not in agreement about what Jesus said on the cross. Indeed, according to Mark he said nothing! There has been a lot written about why the four Gospels have differing accounts of the same event. Suffice to say that each writer wrote many decades after the event and depended on outside sources, persons, and traditions. What is MOST important is to ask WHY did the writer write that Jesus said that particular thing? Each utterance is a lesson to itself.
Older Children and teens should type in these verses to the Cal & Marty verse editor. They enjoy “programming” the game and the typing begins the memorization process.
Early Readers can easily learn the Last 7 Words in a Word Search or Scripture Memory Game. While they may not be able to “read” these short verses, then can identify keywords by the SIGHT AND SHAPE of the words.
In Cal and Marty software you can add quiz questions and a comment for each verse.
Example quiz question: In which Gospel do you find this “last word”? Luke, John or Matthew?
Example of a comment question: What do you think Jesus is feeling at the moment he says the words, “It is finished”. How do those words make YOU feel?
For a non-computer game using these seven last words:
Create duplicate stacks of index cards --writing the last words on once side of an index card, and the Gospel/Chapter on the other. Now play a game of "concentration" where student turn over the cards to find matched pairs.
When the game is over, ask questions to the students about their matched pairs.