This topic is for posting Games and/or Computer Workshop lessons, ideas, and resources for teaching about Daniel OTHER THAN the Lion's Den story, --which has its own forum Lion's Den.
Fiery Furnace or Lion's Den are in other forums. Do not post them here.
Wormy Note:
We have two other Daniel Lesson Forums here at Lion's Den and Fiery Furnace.
Typically, those are the two stories most Rotation Sunday Schools will teach to their elementary age children. Because we cover EACH story for 4 to 5 weeks in a row, it means we cannot get to every Bible story. But the one's we do get to, we cover in depth!
"Other" Daniel Stories here include:
- Daniel’s Training in Babylon (Daniel 1)
- Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar Dreams (Daniel 2 & 4)
- Handwriting on the Wall (Daniel 5)
Some Daniel lessons in our forums may cover these "other" parts of the Daniel story. As well, some of the COOKING lessons used in teaching Lion's Den or Fiery Furnace may also include these "other" Daniel stories.