After 12 years of mining this site for lesson plans it still never ceases to thrill and amaze me!
We are doing a David unit in November, some form of harp construction will definitely be included after seeing the wonderful suggestions posted here.
As a result of sporadic Sunday attendance our church has developed an at-home weekly lesson plan for families posted monthly on our church website: under the drop down "education and fellowship". September was the story of Joseph from the colorful coat to his reuniting with his family during the time of famine. This month (October) we are studying Moses from his birth through the Exodus from Egypt ( through the crossing of the Red(reed) Sea.
"Regular" Sunday School is held the 3rd Sunday each month during morning worship hour. The activity for the Joseph unit was creation of dried bean soup "mix" in pint canning jars that is available for sale at our church Pumpkin Patch.
A small room at the rear of our sanctuary has been made a child friendly space with Children's Bibles, craft supplies, books, work and coloring pages pertaining to the lesson series that month. Children attending worship with their families on weeks when there is no "official" Sunday School are encouraged to make use of this space. One Sunday during the Joseph unit the children cut colorful fabric strips that a church member then used to create a "colorful coat" banner. On another Sunday they made paper plate dream catchers.
This is still very much a work in progress. Parental feedback has been very light to date. We continue to pray for guidance.
God Bless and Happy Birthday Wormy!