Great Sunday School resources for the New Year...

Creative lessons and ideas for teaching timely Bible stories:
Jesus the Boy in the Temple
The Temptation in Jesus in the Wilderness
The Baptism of Jesus
Jesus Calls the Disciples
about one of the most important verses in the entire Bible...

Six broadly-graded Sunday School lesson plans for every kind of Sunday School about Micah's most amazing message, featuring your choice of these creative teaching mediums: Bible Games, Art, Baking, Rhythm & Music, Scripture Memory, Video & Drama. Come see!
And here's something to share with your teachers...
"Thanks Dopamine" shares teaching insights and information about this important neurotransmitter that, when triggered, ramps up the learner's attention, excitement, and memory. This article reveals ways we can trigger its release in our learners.
"Thanks Dopamine!" is the latest article for teachers in our collection of articles and conversations about improving Sunday School and our approaches to teaching. Topics include improving attendance, ministering to neurodiverse kids, teacher training, VBS ideas and alternatives, and how kids learn (among many others).
Supporting Member-only resource forums.