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April 29, 2020 Enews

When your Sunday School gets back together
will you still be faced with a

Shrinking Sunday Schools freak out Wormy!

  • Shrinking pool of volunteers willing to prepare.
  • Shrinking amount of class time.  45-60 minute classes are a thing of the past in many churches.
  • Shrinking "regular" attendance.
  • Shrinking curriculum budget.
  • Shrinking interest in the "same old" from kids and parents.

Then you might want to look again at the Workshop Rotation Model for Sunday School at!

Videos about the Rotation ModelView our brand new video presentations about the model and share them with your teachers and decision-makers. 

  1. Introduction to the Workshop Rotation Model
  2. What are the "Workshops" in the Rotation Model?
  3. Rotation Schedules for Churches of All Sizes

Here's how the Workshop Rotation Model addresses "shrinking" problems:

Shrinking Preparation
Rather than changing the story every week, Rotation Model teachers repeat their lessons each week to a new group -- adjusting for age and improving the lesson, rather than having to prepare a brand new lesson every week. Simply put, Rotation Workshops are easier for teachers to prepare and teach. 

Shrinking class times
Few Sunday Schools have 50 to 60 minute classes anymore, some have been whittled down to 25 or 30 minutes! In Rotation, we stay on the same Bible story for four to five weeks at a time -- changing our teaching approach each week, rather than the story. No more "one and done" lessons. The Rotation Model respects learners' needs and respects the Bible by taking more time to teach scripture more thoroughly 

Shrinking "regular" attendance
"Regular" used to mean 3 out of 4 Sundays; now it's more like 2. That means most kids in traditional programs are missing HALF of the lessons.  Because Rotation doesn't change the story every week, it can focus on 10 to 12 passages a year instead of plowing through 52. This means today's "regular" attenders hear and learn the major stories of the Bible, rather than missing half your lessons. 

Shrinking curriculum budget
Supporting Members of get access to our Writing Team's extra creative Rotation-style lesson sets -- 4 years' worth for just $45.  And everyone gets to access our public forums, free teacher training materials, and 24/7/366 support forums. is both revolutionary and budget-saving  

Shrinking enthusiasm for Sunday School
Rotation Model "Workshops" are designed to make creativity and excitement THE NORM in every lesson and every room.  Cooking, Music, Video, Tech, Art, Drama, Games, Science, Service, Movement -- Sunday School has never lacked creative techniques, just the model to organize them and make them happen EVERY Sunday. 

The Rotation Model is designed to adapt to any size Sunday School and solve many common problems. It's NOT the "same old curriculum" wrapped in new marketing.

For further reading: See Neil MacQueen's article about the consequences of Shrinking class times.

See the new video clips "About Workshop Rotation" at

Visit our Writing Team's special Rotation-style lesson sets
to see what a $45 Supporting Membership gets you. is a feisty, non-profit, ecumenical,
and member-supported ministry
for and by creative Sunday School teachers.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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