Post your Lesson Ideas for Lydia
Acts 16:11-40
This first post was originally made by Neil MacQueen in 2005 about a Lydia and Paul lesson he had written.
Lydia isn't often taught in Rotation, but her story is worthy for a lot of reasons:
- She is a businesswoman in a then "man's world."
- She is Greek (from the region of Lydia, the town of Thyatira) working in Roman Philippi when she met Paul and Silas.
- She is described as a "God fearer" who gathered with other women to worship and responded to Paul's call to discipleship.
- She is an early supporter and organizer of the church, and most likely a key player in one of the strongest churches Paul founded: The Church in Philippi.
- In the Eastern Church she was elevated to status of Apostle.
- She INVITES Paul and Silas to stay at her house and there she and her household are baptized. (hospitality)
- She INVITES Paul and Silas to recuperate at her house AFTER their imprisonment. (hospitality)
There a good profile of Lydia at
Questions to ask kids:
- What's a "God fearer"?
- What's the difference between someone who believes in God and someone who follows Jesus?
- What preparation did Lydia have (probably) that made her receptive to Paul's preaching?
- Who might have been in her household and why did she have THEM baptized as well? What does this say about Lydia's feeling of responsibility to her household? Who has that responsibility in your house? What will you do with your own children some day to meet your faith responsibility?
- How could she have used her cloth/dye selling business to help spread the Gospel?
- Lydia practiced hospitality (openness and kindness to strangers). How did that put her in a position to hear something life changing? What are YOU doing to put yourself in a position to learn a life changing message? How are you practicing hospitality? How does taking care of people's needs make you more open to God's message? What happens to you and your faith when you only think of your OWN needs?
- Paul's Letter to the Philippians, the church which grew up in the town where Lydia worked, is often called a "Letter of Joy". What does that tell you about the church there? And what does that tell you about Lydia's personality and leadership?
- How are you being a "joyful leader" like Lydia?
- Who should YOU invite to your home to be heard and to show your appreciation?
- If you invited your pastor to your house for dinner and conversation, who among your friends would you invite to come be with you and the pastor?
Questions from a post by Neil MacQueen
"A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one who worshiped God, heard us; whose heart the Lord opened to listen to the things which were spoken by Paul. When she and her household were baptized, she begged us, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and stay." So she persuaded us."