Make a Donation to the Fund
We depend on Supporting Memberships and "Over and Above" donations to make our budget and keep our organization and site running and growing.
Four ways you can donate to
1. Become a Supporting Member. For $45 a year you get full access to all our features and content, including our Writing Team's extra-creative Lesson Sets. Learn more about supporting member benefits.
2. Make a donation using our "Network for Good" donation page. accepts major credit and debit cards and PayPal.
3. Click the "Donate" button on our Facebook Page.
Facebook accepts major credit and debit cards and PayPal.
4. Send a check to our treasurer: Inc.
c/o Ron Shifley, Treasurer
P.O. Box 505, Needville TX 77461
The Operating Fund has two sources of income: Supporting Memberships and Special Donations. Like most non-profit ministries, special donations are an important part of making our annual budget and planning for next year. Please join our small but faithful group of individuals and churches whose generous donations keep us going and growing!
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The Cost of Running
It costs us about $46,000 a year to pay for our state-of-the-art community software and server space, create all the pages and graphics you see here, manage the site on a daily basis, provide technical and webmaster support, lead the Writing Team, and get help editing our vast content. We think that's incredibly inexpensive considering what we've been able to produce (and it's a fraction of what most denominations spend on curriculum development and distribution).
Every donated DIME is spent and accounted for by a seven member volunteer Board of Directors composed of Christian Educators and Teachers from several different Christian denominations, including United Methodists, Evangelicals, and Presbyterians. Inc. is a "Guidestar" certified 501(c)3 non-profit.
All contributions are 100% tax deductible.
We are governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors.