Workshop Rotation Model Resource Menu
While our entire site is a Rotation Model resource, we've put together this handy one-page menu of links for those who are new to the Model and our site, and/or are using the Rotation Model.
What is the Workshop Rotation Model? Video below!
We have two Rotation Model Resource Forums here at
- ROTATION MODEL: Video Presentations, Articles about Getting Started, Scheduling, Picking Stories, Managing, and More
- ROTATION MODEL: Workshop Set up, Decor, Teaching Techniques, Workshop Manuals, Resources, Workshop Photos
As well, our Writing Team Lesson Sets are organized and written with the Rotation Model in mind, and all our Bible Story Lesson Forums are organized "by workshop type."
Have a question? Ask it in our Teachers Lounge
Here is a handy list of links to frequently visited Rotation Model topics
- Online Presentations About the Workshop Rotation Model
- Video: Overview of the Workshop Rotation Model
- Video: Descriptions of the Workshops
- Video: Workshop Schedules
- 3, 4, and 5 Year Teaching Plans, aka a "Scope and Sequence" for Rotation Model Sunday Schools
- Deciding which stories to teach, an approach and 5-year plan
- 4 and 5 Week Rotation Schedule Examples for 1 to 5 different Rotating Groups
- Planning and Launching the Workshop Rotation Model
- Links to Specific Workshops:
- Exemplary Lesson Plans for Rotation Workshops, broadly-graded with many adaptations
- Frequently asked questions about setting up a W.o.R.M. Sunday School.
- Preschoolers and Kindergartners in Rotation
- Questions People Ask AFTER They Have Started the WoRM
- "Multiple-Intelligences" and the Workshop Rotation Model
- More articles about the Rotation Model in small Sunday Schools, shared space, declining attendance, special needs, failure, history of the Model, and more.
Here's a 2-minute overview of the Workshop Rotation Model for Sunday School...