Welcome to's Bible Software & App Resource Menu is interested in all sorts of creative ways to teach God's Word, and that includes using technology such as computers and tablets, software and apps, and websites. Here's a helpful menu to those resources and discussions here at our site:
Computer and Tech "Workshop" Resource Forum
This "master" forum features discussion about "why and how-to teach with tech" plus teaching resources, software and Bible app recommendations for both PC, tablets, and smartphones, articles, new ideas, and photos of tech being used in Sunday School.
Our Software Descriptions and Download Forum
This forum describes and links to the 24 Bible downloadable software programs given to us by Sunday Software and EPC for use by our Supporting Members and their congregations, as well as links to software we recommend.
Search for a Lesson that uses Computer & Tech
Look up your Bible story in our Lesson Forums and see what's in the "Computer Workshop" listing for your story. Need help? Ask our Software Help Desk!
Bible "Apps" and online tools for tablets, smartphones, and PCs
Our focus is on tools KIDS can use to learn Bible stories. From Bible apps to puppet apps to Wordclouds to A.I. generated images -- come see what our tech crowd is talking about!'s Bible Software and App Webinar Videos
Learn "Why and How to" teach kids with Bible software and Bible apps, and see a video showing you highlights from ten of our favorite programs and apps!
Teaching with Tech Help Desk
Three of our most experienced members are ready to answer your software, app, and lesson questions, including installation and tech help with our downloads.
Not yet a Supporting Member?
Join now to get access to all our free software downloads, plus all our Writing Team lesson sets (which include computer lessons), and all the supporting-member-only benefits of our site!